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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Dashboard vents from a mk4 escort
  2. To a point, but some guns are just greedier than others. The difference is this atomizes properly so rather than just lashing it on pudding-y and heavy it's a nice flat coating.
  3. Insane how good that gun is. Only problem is it throws twice as much paint through compared to my last gun!
  4. That's awesome Tic, did you sort the second round?
  5. Air pressure at the tip (well as close as you can get). Gives a much more accurate and constant reading apposed to at the bottom of the gun.
  6. My new toy arrived today!
  7. Could work. I wondered a while ago if a slightly longer stem would work too, slightly more leverage to combat the extra gyroscope going on.. Either way, enjoy your penny farthing (In all seriousness, looks nice)
  8. Nah, 29's gave their place. I've ridden a few and never got on with them, despite the skinny rims, 2.1/2.2 xc tyres most run and the broom handle bars they've always felt heavy to throw about compared to my fat oafish Five. That thing just feels like a flicky quick 26" but a big bike in general, 29" feels like your trying to derail a train. Great for smashing distances thou and keeping momentum.
  9. *adds to ignore list...*
  10. Not sure on that one j-dog..
  11. Frantically clearing inbox...
  12. Jenny bitches at me for that, I never see what it matters? They get cleaned either way?
  13. My uncle used to build lorry bodies for a living, arc eye rendered him blind for nearly 3 weeks once. Nasty stuff
  14. THATS NOT SEX TALK! Shutup Mike.
  15. TF is rapidly spiralling into nonscence.
  16. Tonight's the first time in a while I've managed to just sit any play some tunes and it feels good, the backs of my hands and knuckles are killing but it's good to enjoy it again. The frankentele is coming on, I got the scratchplate drawn up the other night and devised a cunning plan for that too...
  17. The amount of sweetcorn in the shower tray...
  18. Hope you directed her to the adventures thread for explanation?
  19. You saucy beast Mcarthur, what shall I wear for the snappy snaps? Your choice, stud x
  20. It's not her that's tubby, she's incredible. I meant she's desperate so dropping her standards
  21. There's been a girl I've wanted to hang out of for years, she was in my tutor group at school and then she's just sorta appeared in different friend circle since. She was never interested in my salivating advances years ago so I gave up. We went to the pub a few nights ago and she was properly DTF. Obviously I'm with Jenny so I wouldn't even consider it, but Jesus Christ I felt like such a boss. Pretty sure it was her distinct lack of cock that's led her down that tubby path, but I don't mind.
  22. Turns out it's white dancers that are slim, sexy, flexable with an epic physique and ridiculously kinky. Who'd a knew?
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