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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. I was stuck behind some twat who had 4 8x4 MDF sheets cut into 100mm squares last week, took pissing ages. I like the B&Q cutting service but people don't half take the piss with it
  2. 'It'll only be here for a week whilst it's on test Jenny, then I'll deliver it'.. That was 3 weeks ago haha
  3. It was proper safe this year I reckon. My favourite of the passed few years was Twin Twin from France, that was proper euro pop shit.
  4. My ex had issues with my 12", Christ knows what you do with all that mate!
  5. You get what you pay for on the roller cabs, I've seen a lot of the Mac stuff though which looks decent. I really like Teng gear but I don't know if they go as far as roller cabs over here.
  6. Day 4 of BBQ teatime!
  7. Where on the M1 did you break down Jardo? My work unit is literally 100 yrds from J27
  8. Poifick, I'm in the market for a good floor mounted pipe bender and that looks just the ticket!
  9. Would you consider parting with the pipe bender Paul? Happy to pay for it (you jammy bathturd)
  10. Saw BBC in title, leaving disappointed. 2/10
  11. Tom Booth


    There was a trailer for that at Capt America that made it look loads darker then that, still looked great though! Captain America - Civil War is sick, very enjoyable watch
  12. Probably a poor paint job more then anything. Paint doesn't just fall off unless poorly prepped
  13. That's how I've been covered whenever I got abroad. Generally my insurers have covered me too
  14. STOP SHOWING ME MX5. It's silly how much I want one but will need to remove the best part of my legs to even contemplate fitting in one
  15. It's usually the romantic aspect of the rain that gets me going but each to there own!
  16. Jesus, Prince has died now!
  17. No, Connor mcgregor guy turned out to be Connor mcgregor. I'm on the Kingsley ward at QMC if anyone wants to visit..
  18. There's a guy who lives on my street who's the spitting image of Connor McGregor, absolute dead ringer. I really want to go and smash his face in and take pictures after like I've caught a huge fish or something so I can become internet famous till I'm found out. Then a part of me thinks why? Whats wrong with me?!
  19. He doesn't need brakes, he just climbs
  20. We should organize a long TF weekender in NWales, Coed-y-brenin, penmachno, Marin trail and a good booze up.
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