I was stuck behind some twat who had 4 8x4 MDF sheets cut into 100mm squares last week, took pissing ages. I like the B&Q cutting service but people don't half take the piss with it
You get what you pay for on the roller cabs, I've seen a lot of the Mac stuff though which looks decent. I really like Teng gear but I don't know if they go as far as roller cabs over here.
There was a trailer for that at Capt America that made it look loads darker then that, still looked great though!
Captain America - Civil War is sick, very enjoyable watch
There's a guy who lives on my street who's the spitting image of Connor McGregor, absolute dead ringer. I really want to go and smash his face in and take pictures after like I've caught a huge fish or something so I can become internet famous till I'm found out.
Then a part of me thinks why? Whats wrong with me?!