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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. That was the angle I was going for, anything else is fake news
  2. All the poon would be up for grabs.
  3. Such want much wow too cools. I want new wheels for the fairlane (it needs new tyres and the fronts are battered, more or less square so I don't think a tyre will seat on them). Found this which was for sale a few years ago, 62 galaxie station wagon with a 454 big block in there! Too f**king cool.
  4. Haha, they are all the message Facebook sets up when you make a new friend. I don't even know 8 people
  5. Good talk bro, see you at Easter.
  6. What? Just reread what you wrote and realise exactly what I was saying. You could be interesting to have a discussion with if you actually put substance, evidence and facts into your posts. Do that and your 6 month pop ups wouldn't become such a witch hunt. Well done on getting to view the area of the forum that probably gets new content once a month at best. Actually it's probably everytime you rear your head.
  7. I missed this whole section! So the life of a squirrel then essentially?!
  8. The kind of knowledge that makes dreams come true... Seems to me the people that believe in your secret societies are people who aren't willing to get off their arse and make it happen for themselves as it's easier to blame the rat overlords. Same as fat folk that moan nobody will employ them despite them not trying. I don't believe secret societies exist. I believe there are secret organisations that exist but not in the same respects that you do, I believe there's organisations that keep countries safe, keep weapons development underground and medicines testing. I don't believe there's a secret society that plans the next 911 and other horrific acts to weed out the weak and population/wealth control. Your arguments really have no substance Dave, which is sad as in the Secret Senior Society we just had a chat saying how interesting you could be if you answered questions properly and not just short bursts of nothingness really. Anyway, I'll scurry back down the senior secret rat hole..
  9. So the lizardpeople have the 50 quid and are punching babies?! Damn it they're giving us slaves a bad name!
  10. She's probably creeped out that you bought her some cream to sort out her Rocky Dennis mess. I would be. That's all I could really understand from your post, did you type it in Spanish then Google translate or something??
  11. I'll adapt that.. That doesn't mean people who have fifty quid in their bitcoin purse suddenly punch babies and trip old women
  12. Slave to who? The only people I answer to is the tax man and my other half. Any expenditures I have are my own choosing so I have nobody to answer too in that respect either. I abide by the law because that's generally what you do so I can't see how I'm a slave to anyone? Explain how one let's their subconscious shine through? My interpretation of that is to totally switch of from my work. If so then no, never, I f**king love my work and I'm very fortunate to do what I do. I don't work to live, I work to enjoy and currently that too makes a living. With that reply I reiterate, your doing nothing other then posting on message boards. So when you rid the world of the corruption and greed and let these people that are for the people free to rule the land what will be different? Is it just a basic human rights for all drive or is the plan to quash these rich families and share out the wealth?
  13. To a certain extent and that's where it ends, wealth doesn't suddenly turn you into a unreasonable hitman. Corrupt people exist and wealth surrounds them because they will do what others won't for cash. That doesn't mean people who have fifty quid in the back pocket suddenly punch babies and trip old women.
  14. I don't get it though, I don't dispute there's probably some secret cave of rat people that pull out strings and command the masses, but again, who cares? I don't feel oppressed or like I'm slogging away toward a never achievable plateau. If anything I think the opposite most of the time, I put hard work and my time into my work and at the minute I'm fortunate to say I get rewarded for it. The thing is shout, rant and rave about the rat folk ruling the roost but 100% Dave what are you doing about it? What do you plan to achieve following this path? What happens when the illuminati crumble, who pulls our strings then? People such as yourself? I just don't get what the tin foil brigade aim to achieve other then posts on a message board.
  15. Got too excited.. What I don't understand with these conspiracy lovers and tin foil brigade is who has enough time to care? I'm busy enough keeping afloat and keeping everything running smoothly let alone worrying about who runs the world. Call it burying your head or whatever you want but I'm happy that way. I sort myself out and don't bother other folk.
  16. Because it's all secretly Rothschildscoin!
  17. f**k, imagine being the guy that Dave Anscombe doesn't want to hang out with
  18. Connection times?? I called Plusnet today to tell them I was cancelling and suddenly the connection is the best it's been for months. Shame I'm already transferring to sky fibre but this'll do till it works.
  19. Put fine mesh behind the holes and paint the plate on. +1 for cooling, +1 for center number plate. -1 Will probably look shit.
  20. Sounds very familiar, our connection speed just drops more often then it's good and the same as you it sends to our login page. Might be worth a new router then I guess!
  21. My Plusnet has been going to shit for the past few weeks, engineer came put today and it still sucks. Has yours just gone rediiiiculously now Mike??
  22. Tom Booth


    Jenny's work do last night so I had the house to myself, batman dark knight rises trilogy ahoy. Knackered today though
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