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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Respects to all that have been injured or died, and the families involved. Tom
  2. A set of Pashley forks with disc mounts and a thin light 'street' stlye seat would make that look Immense, not that it dosent now, just a little changes would make it look better. Tom
  3. :S ROFLMFAO!! Funniest thing ever!
  4. yeah, every one in iraq loved sadam :S and those people killed in iraq where mostly guerrila soldiers, or those supporting an injust cause. I dont fully agree with america and britains choice to go into iraq, but thats not what this thread is about. Thoughts to all those involved and the services trying to clear the chaos
  5. Radio 1 at 12:45!!! Radio news update devoted to it!!! Listen to it! Sick bastards whoevers done this! killing inocent people for whatever reason they had (well no reason could be good enough to kill 2 people(a reported 2 people) ) Whats the world comming to! No offence to blair, but its a bit silly him coming back to london, because they wont want anything to do with blair or try and injure Blair. Tom
  6. good vid, different riding styles made the video enjoyable. and LMAO at anal teflons avatar! Tom
  7. Man knows how to live! Currently ive been riding in duffs roadrunners, but there starting to wear and loose grip, had a short ride in me green flashs, and the grip you get is amazing! with it being basicaly a plymsole(sp?) it gives great grip, is light and breathable and in my experience is comfy (Y) Tom
  8. Trials hasnt got the publicity, if any, of other bikimg forms. Take downhill for example, theres a ps2 game devoted to it, theres a wider range of products available for that sport. Face it dude, trials is a very low key sport. Thats what makes it good in my opinion, not every kid and ther granny has got a trials bike, so when people see trials there amazed by it, aposed to some kid jumping a bmx over a grate (no offence to bmxer's as it is a good sport, just most people andthere dog have a bmx). Tom
  9. (Y) Favorite vid of 2005 so far! Absolutley amazing dude Fecking quality! Greatstuff, keep it up Tom
  10. i'm running the avid cable set (on my random mess about bike) and it comes as one length outer, and two lengths or cable, its perfect. makes my lx v and deore lever feel hydraulic (Y) :S highly recommended from me. Tom
  11. :"> noooo :D" tehehehe you wouldnt say no monkey
  12. nah cus then they hold you hand :D" tehehehe
  13. i love it how they have to subtitle for vito cus he just talks arse lol. Best bit of the 24hour mall one is where they give dunn a swirley :D Anyone see the one where they where on the pirate ship? at the end where brendad starts rapping (Y) Tom
  14. Tom Booth


    I did this with mine wen i first got them as they wernt very grippy, just get a small full round file and make them small dagers on a cage! they work ace! and last well to (Y) (as long as you keep them tight and dont go to pedal at every oportunity)
  15. Onza T-rex 05 With a 2.5, easily (Y) :D
  16. (bird nest was a broken home anyway) haha no it didnt, we got grass all the way round the tyre, then we put it on and it was still flat, we had put as much grass and bird housing as we could! Oh well, fun times lol Tom
  17. haha good old jubilee clips, i used to have on and me freind is currently running two and has been for some time. Tomm- the fix a puncture with grass gets soooo boring, we resorted to putting twigs in, and even an old birds nest (Y)
  18. at the minute im running the plaz on a slightly tarred ronnie, and there emmense!, easily as good as my freinds koxx brown on a grind, i have also tryed them on a totally clean rim, they where still amazing, but slipped every now and then. My friend also ran the crms on a grind, and they just seemed to slip and generally not hold, just make an emmense noise. My vote goes to plaz! (have you considered the heatsink koinigs(sp?) meant to be amazing on a clean) Tom
  19. Tom Booth

    Dk Bikes

    try halfords, they have dk bmx's :turned: (Y)
  20. I think hes lost half of a pad, and half of it is still there, so he cant glue it in due to him not having it, I think thats what he means :blink: Dunno if im right, but its just how i overstood it
  21. My dentist is either indian, or gay, never understand a word, its like, im just goiung toooo poiut dis neeeedleey in your leeaft goooomeyr thingymabobledelt :P When i had me 2 front teeth removed and the others pulled down, they did it under local anastetic, and i had 4 relativly fit blondes sat round me askin me if i was ok, and telling me im brave :blink: preety cool thou, could see down all of thems tops :) Hehehe Cheers Tom
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