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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Haha my ronnie had 4 then started to dent like a beast...Lesson behind all this..Use plaz on a clean with tar Joe oakleys monty tyres seemed good t'other saturday Joe...Why not get another ronnie and try a monty tyre? Tom
  2. probably ride abit more...and loose abitta fat
  3. Use a Kmc Thin k810 Chain, And a mech as a tensioner.....Sorted
  4. I think there the single ply xc ones? as the tyre underneath is the maxxis everyone knows and loves...
  5. Mint vid Joe....Good riding..Even thou it was slippy as funk all last week Cheers Tom
  6. I dont think the onza t-rex will be much lighter then the base. And depending on how far in your riding abilities you are i wouldnt suggest a bike so long, As not many beginners can handle the length Id say try and pic up a zebdi? or jst fit lighter parts to your base? Such as drilled rims, Lighter forks, a front single ply tyre...(all apply if you havent actually done them yet) Tom
  7. Im not going to ignore you as i think thats preety ignorant....But you seem to just moan and whine in everytopic you reply to? Just cheer up man? Anyway not to ruin the topic HOOTANANNY!!!!
  8. Could be be aymore f**king misserable? Stop being a whigning little twat for forks sake! Anyway Hapy new year y'all!!! Hope you all have a good one Tom
  9. Yeah Gaz just stuck the stickers over the zoa ones...Ill get hi 2 pop into this topic next time i see him Tom
  10. Killswitch Engage - End of heartache
  11. Tom Booth

    New Years Eve

    Im Staying in, sitting on msn, watching tv...Having a few beers. Not a party person to be fair. Whatever you get upto have a good night all Tom
  12. Right...thought it would be good, To have like a mini award (but no prize) for the person you lot think have done the most for trials in 2005.. My vote goes to steve@ heatsink bikes....Hes spent so much of his time,money and life towards the trials scene in the past year, From day one hes provided us with cheap quality pads. But now hes devoted more time to create a booster, cnc'd backing...and probably spent ALOT of mone in the prosess..And the pads being released now, hes constantly updating his pads/compounds...And doing this With A wife and child...The mans a LEGEND!! Vote away then Tom
  13. Dunno if its any use to anyone But maxxis tyres are on offer at Crc They have all 26" tyres And Creepy crawlers.... Go mad and buy them all,don't bother me..mine are already on there way www.chainreactioncycles.com for those who are lazy like me Tom
  14. Hence why i said 2 5p's Or maybe even 3
  15. Whack 2 5p's down the crank arm and sit it ontop of the bb..Then put the extractor on and bobs thy uncle Itll come off Tom
  16. Listen to the lads that told you to get a park tool one I have used 3 or 4 diiferent crank ullers. And the park one does the job the Best, THe cheaper priced ones often rip the thread off of your crank arm Thats why you should only buy park too tools, They work Tom
  17. Isnt that set up like the normal for a complete build pitbull??? (well the one on the zoo site etc) So i cant see it rubbing matey If its any help ive got a t-rex(preety similar) With an onza hog rim(47mm) and a 2.5 maxxxis in mine and its got about 4-5mm clearance each side of tthe yoke
  18. Either going to folkestone for a week and having a mint time riding. Or Going to the v festival Tom
  19. Thats ike the most senisible thing ive heard in a while! Nice idea
  20. This on sunday now Joe? If the weathers good i will be down Need to try these here zoo pads lol Tom And according to my mac's dashboard...itll be the nicest day for awhile 6 degree...and sunny but cloudy SORRRRRRTED
  21. Tom Booth

    Xbox 360

    Homework!...Stll got a week of holiday left before im back at college And why has Mr Daves topic turned ito a full on war? Ffs Cant one topic...ONE topic go without an argument(i know i contributed...but im special..Rob P told me ) And mesaman....Just because your older why do you think it gives you the right to tell joe to stop sponging and me to get some homework done? Why dont you just act your age dude? Your like what? 26??? and your behaving like a 'tard...Get a life man
  22. Tom Booth

    Xbox 360

    Lmao! have you ever seen joe's msn name? Its always Joe.....At work So dont say 'oh yeah cus you spponge off mummy and dady' And...Shut up You cock;)
  23. Linkin park - cure for the itch Good video joe...Man you other monty is doomed lol, snapped forks in mansfied....snapped cranks in leeds...t'aint good
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