Alright lads and lasses, Got a nope xc back hub for crimbob, And within the past 2 days, its started acting up. it started the other night, Went for a gap, on the back wheel, get a 1/4 back turn on the cranks, and the hu didnt freewheel to alow the chain to spin, So it was like i was running ront and back fixed cogs. Got in, Serviced the hub to find 2 pawls had come out of place and where just sitting in the ratchet, not in there little space. So i put them all back in place, and went for a little ride, all was well.....And then it started again except worse, whever i back pedaled it sorta went back abit then locked up, Got home and serviced it agian, and everything was in place and how it should be. Whats going off Cheers Tom