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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Woooo Red Are the production models going to be on a bolt up axle? I saw the 6 speed one was...But what about to the non hope 'supported' people? Will we have a bolt up option aswell? and are the releasing te 8 speed one still?? CheersTom
  2. OH MY GOD!!! Ive been looking for a frame like that pure for ages......Im in love with it...It WILL be my replacement for the t-rex....Sonds perfect bb rise and length ect.......*wet*
  3. I can probably get the day off work with this notification Ill edit later if i can get it off
  4. I have had a hog just about a month now and im not impressed with it to be fair, It seems to buckle fairly easy, It cant hold grinds At all, And dents like a bad ass. 2 grinds and it had the massviest dent in ever! But meh, aslong as its round im not to fussed Tom
  5. 3 wheetabix.....whole milk....2 minutes soaking up time...spoonfull of sugar...makes me poker wet i tell thee
  6. Ahh sorry mate..I read it last night before i went to bed and was going to reply in the morning, Sorry. Nah mate im using a casette, 8 speed with normal spacing
  7. Tis being sent to hope tomorow Cheers for the suggestions anyway lads. Topic can be locked/deleted if wanted
  8. Ba dap bap ba baaa Im loooovin it
  9. Ive tried the hope mono trials And own an avid bb7....And can honestly say, The bb7 wanks in the hopes face, My mates hope broke after a few months, And the brass barrel broke. And just generally seems to lack any form of lock and hold. Whereas my bb7, Lcoks hold and modulates, Been running fine since august, In all conditions, And all ive had to buy was a new set of pads. Still running the same cable, Lever and brake, and its still as sweet as the day it was bought. Tom
  10. you need a chain whip and a decent lockring tool...park tool rock ring tool is onlly a fiver if i remember....
  11. my user name as 8 letters...and my first one has 3!!! add them together and get...you guessed it 11!!!!!!!
  12. What was the point in that post? Hope xc's/monos are one of the most popular rear hubs in trials. What about if your profile braoke? Oh its a bmx hub, cant help him Now get out of my topic thanks, willy
  13. Right im quitting lol Put a new qr on, Went on the srteet for a second to try it, and snapped my mech hanger, Cracked me frame earlier aswell i think GOD TRIALS IS WANK!!!!lol The new qr didnt seem to do much either...Any other suggestions? will get pictures some time
  14. Yeah all is fine there, Recon it coould be anythign to do with me qr? being to loose, allowing the axle to flex more, And pushing the freehub into the ratchet *goes to put a new qr on uber tight* Tom
  15. Yep posotive, All pawls, springs are the right lentgh and undamaged.....
  16. Thats what i dont get thou the ratchet is fine
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