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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. The second rail stall bail was great *bail* Sliiiiiiiiiiiiide Mint video Bongo. Sick riding Cheers dude Tom
  2. <3 Meant to look like a heart...symobolising love..Looks preety wank to me
  3. G-Turns are THE coolest thing ever,Look so smooooth Love Danny's Style. Rides like a beast Tom
  4. haha sorry...i ment 200...damn my fat fingers
  5. I Just give it a little bit of a push with a 500mm spanner........And my cassette hangs over the end a little...Aslong as the lockring will reach im sure it will be fine
  6. Condolences To his Family and friends. I hate hearing abot death, When it involves your world it really brings things into perspective. R.I.P Matthews
  7. Why not just get an onza t-master hub? sealed hub....Same as try all to be honest...Probably half the price as the buy-all aswell
  8. Oh yeah! If you wouldnt mind a red or blue DX32 supercycles have hem in stock...Just not black ones
  9. Oh right...i understand your snazy lingo now boyo.....Work it out ... 22 Divided18 = 1.22222r (standard stock gearing) 18:12 = 1.5, With shorter cranks this will feel quite similar to stock gearing
  10. When did mods have gears? Have i missed something?
  11. Rear cog needs to be a 12 Ooops Missed the one and pressed 2 twice
  12. Laugh My Ass Off Hang out with your wang out for real
  13. We didnt, We were just stating why its so long
  14. Onza t-rex...bt raked forks...Maxis 2.35 and 2.5 tyres = 6 foot 1
  15. Shame he rides 26 eh Gaz Might have to order one of them drilled dx-32's, My hog is pants
  16. Tom Booth

    Nbr 18

    FREEEKIN ELL!!!! I loved that video! Bring more like that please What was the song btw? Cheers Tom
  17. Better the the last, Editing was no real amazment, And Whats with the random sidehop things, over/onto nothing Bit weird...And some of the angles where abit poor. like on the gaps to front wheel, 180 over that little curb thing, all that was in veiw was your bike, Try and get better angles But no to shabby, Good riding Tom
  18. In Flames - Soundtrack to your escape Head Automatica - Tokyo decadence The Mars Volta - De-loused in the Comatourium The Rakes - Capture/release Rob the Viking - Beats To Pillage and Conquer by Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say i am, Thats What im not Bloc Party - Scilent Alarm Bullet For my Valentine - The Poison A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, Im a Machine Pendulum - Hold Your Colour The Zutons - Who Killed the Zuttons
  19. I never measure stuff by tape........Just go against wheel height/bar height, And then gaps are measurde by bikes length, Because there all relevant measurements of where my riding is at at the miniute, Backwheel about bar height, gap about bike length. I know my bike is 6 foot 1 from tyre edge to tyre edge, and my bar height is 36" And my front wheel is 28" tall All i need to help me measure Tom
  20. To summerise, it seems like the mod rims are beasting..and the stock rims not so good. Sound about right?
  21. haha...We sat and watched your for like 20 mins..then decided to pump up an innertube for about 20 mins...it was huggggeeee!!!!! Flew away thou
  22. Chuck he cog and crank arm in a wooden edged vice...Reaaaaaly tight....Get a decent length extension bar...and twist..anti clockwise Think its anti clockwise anyway..preeety sure Tom
  23. lmao..there all so ture...Saved by the bell....Screeeech!!!!
  24. Seee people.....This lads made 3 posts...and hes validated, He has used decent language in 3 posts and is a member..Not to hard is it
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