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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Cant make it Works so wank....gonna quit soon
  2. There a pain in the arse Lee
  3. Mint video lads That Gap from Bessell at 2:16 Screw that Cheers lads, Keep the Mint work up Tom
  4. That was preety obvious to be fair isnt it? Myself being guilty of owning a 'Copy frame' (onza t-rex, coust copy) And who is willing to pay £500 When you can get next to the same frame for 250? Only difference is the aliuminum grade. Take the 2004 echo team and Levelboss for another example, Both 400 quid frames, Virtually the same. And Onza released the t-pro which is a very nice frame, for £199. Now is it me or do you have to be preety daft to buy the team when you could keep an extra 200 quid in your back pocket and spend it on some other bike relater objects? Just my P.O.V Tom
  5. My friends running this set up with an ACS, takes up more thread then a cog i should imagine, So I cant see why it wont work
  6. Anybody know the charging time for a Nano? 2 gig Sorry Siders....But your gay and have quit, so all my respect for you as a person has gone Cheers Tom
  7. Theres soooo many topics on this already my amigo Use the search
  8. Tom Booth

    Swtc 6

    Mint vid Rich Music wasnt amazingly good, but it was ok, each to there own i suppose Good video thou Cheers Tom
  9. I miss the fact yoiu had preety uch no responsabilities, nothing was left down to you.....everything was done for you...But meh, Gotta accept responsablites sometime
  10. is that Danny Macaskill (sp?) I spy on the Ghz? Some quality shots. Mannings a gypsy
  11. [chanting] bumfights bumfights bumfights bumfights bumfights bumfights bumfights bumfights[chanting/]
  12. any 1/8th chain fits through a tiagra mech unmodified i think, i have a wide kool and some wide bmx chain through mine
  13. Sorry to offend you, but its just how i feel towards religious 'salesmen'..We live preety much next door to a jahovois whitnes kingdom hall (sp?) and we get hassl alll the time from them, its just soo annoying to have to tell the SAME man 3 times a week we dont want to join there religion. And it just feels its being thhrusted at you 24/7.
  14. Hardly ever drink anymore...Find other things for my money/time thats far more enjoyable
  15. What freewheel is it? Keep it tight? ever serviced it? Sheesh be abit more descriptive chap
  16. Why will no company other then KMC release a decent 3/32" chain for us 8speeders and those that dont want to rape the back of our middelburn bash gaurd
  17. Thats worse then then 20 stoner becomes a size 8 ater 7 pints, and you wake up with a beached whale ontop Gonna voice my opinion here{read some of it, but as usual its turned into a bit of an argument} Im all for religion, Just aslong as its not being shoved in my face. I wouldnt mind the freedom to spend my days doing as i wish without some chior boy ramming panflets in my face and screaming how jesus pulled bread out his ass and pissed wine. Its just not a fair game, No-one pushes jeudaism into the christian preists face, Why should us non believers have to have someone tell us to join there religion? I dont feel any hatred towards/against religious people either way, If they want to be a jew/hindu/christian, It is there choice, Just dont drag me into it. Why cant we have the freedom to ride our bikes, go out to the clubs/pub for a good night out without some door to door preist preeaching about religion? Just give us some privacy and freedom!! Tom
  18. 31 be right....arrgggg Shit luck if someone undid his front wheel bolts/qr before he tok the jump....full on fork end to the balls of the last person.....Haha anyone ever done that to anyone? undone there qr then told them to do a wheelie? Tis funny....arrrrr
  19. Pads: Coust 50mm...power pads backings Time Used: 20 hours riding Rim Used: Onza Ronnie Grind: Yes Ceramic: No Tar: No Previous Pads Used: Koxx Red, Plaz CRM, Zoo, Rimjam blues How you like your brake: Amazing Bite, Amazing Hold....whatever noise Performance: Absolutley beasting.......Solidest lever feel ever, Nice and sharp bite....Hold well.....A little bit is not actually hiting my rim (brake booster spacers stopping the clamps going further down) and they still work amazingly. My only gripe is the noise...sooo freeking loud sqeek.... But other then that top bannana, Well worth the 20 queens english i payed. Tom Edit:jut went and set them up properly and the noise is a beast now
  20. Tom Booth

    Hope Hubs

    im suuuure edd potts modified one to fit? And there was a picture on here of it? Was a red mono... Ill search
  21. You bought a shadow consiricy chain...For one halflink?! WHATTT
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