Delete this, Drunkard Recon susp. will slowly creap its way into trials. And like Ali said double discs being used now, so companies will/should be developing better more competant rear discs (I know the hope trial is good, but things can only get better )
Get a little paint thinnners on a cloth/rag, and just wipe the threads. Not sure if it will work, but its worth a try if you have any thinners around. If not, do as Janson said Should only take a few minutes per side.
Wtf are you on about Once the bike is on the back wheel, front wheel size wont mean shit. probs weigh a little more, but it wont 'loop out' any easier. And if you have your bike at an angle so the front wheel is only just off the ground there is something wrong with your riding. Looks......Odd to say the least.. Tom