Hilarious, I'm sure Anyway, some chav comes upto me the oher night, and asks for a go on my bike, I sorta know him, don't like him, but he knows my name ect, and hes about 4 foot tall I'm 6'4" so didnt think much of his threats. I wasnt worried about him, I was worried about his mate stood behind him at about 6 ft and built to f**k. Anyway, he starts shouting stuff and offers me out, so I just stand there and laugh(I did actually think he was joking). Turns out he was'nt, and when he walks off, comes back and starts squaring upto me. "Nxt tme I'll Fckin Nik you bike dicked" I know its not much, and he was probably going to nick it anyway, But why the f**k should I pay over £1000 for a bike, to lend it out like the village prossi. I dont ask to wear his 'ShoKz!!1!'? so what f**king right does he think he has to try and smack me when I refuse him a go, on MY property, Faggot. Just really annoyed me. So did this, Cus I'm gay now (anyone know the point in writing shizzle like this?) [attachmentid=5166] Tom