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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Maccabee's, heard one or 2 of there songs, then aquired a few more, really good stuff!
  2. How did you get a pro 2 into a Python
  3. Haha, beast of a video, Shame hardly any of them ride anymore
  4. He has, he said earlier he has new tyres in the post.
  5. They are the weakest mech hangers ever, they snap increadibley easy compared to convencianly shaped ones. Where the mech hanger broadens to mount the mech its just so thin. There also used on Saracens (Think I went through about 5 in one month and that was just as an everyday bike!)
  6. Same thing In a fashion.
  7. It might have been an MOT 11 months ago when there was 1.7mm of tread on the tyre? 11 months on theres 1.3mm, making them illegal. And how is 3 points per tyre bullshit? The laws the law to be honest thou, 3 points per over worn tyre, first year 2 years of driving, points are doubled, therefor 6 points, 2 tyres = 12 points. Hard luck thou Mike, I hate it when you don't notice things on your car which could make it illegal/ unsafe. sucks so bad.
  8. Was alright, nothing to go mad about. Ridings getting alot better to James! Nice one.
  9. Boydshops that lie about how long a job will take annoy me.
  10. Poor dog, looked fairly old thou? Could be blind etc...
  11. Cheers dude, Why do they offer free 300ml or 500ml? surely you would have to be stuupid to have the 300ml cans over 500ml?
  12. Lmao, the milk in a syringe. Such a funny video
  13. Lmao, I love it when a topic turns into somehting like this, preety funny.
  14. Very nice vid, nice style of riding and just general goodness Tuuune aswell
  15. was awsome Loved danny macs section as expected
  16. Thats awsome Todge, Finish looks awsome, whats the body made from? Fiberglass?
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swLp9X0jFNI Thats the best one, ever.
  18. lmao, I know who to look out for now at Mini in the Park, An angry looking dwarf
  19. Avid 185 BB7 XTR lever Random gear cable in normal outer standard pads and rotor On a stock Works amazingly.
  20. Very nice Andy, very nice indeed.
  21. Family guy, just the best entertainment ever created. Anyone seen any of series 6 yet? Bloody hillarious.
  22. Chain tugs? Well, decent ones that wont bend ect.
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