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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Yeah, Pelle seems like a right charecter, when my friend saw them at Leeds, he said it was the best set he has ever seen! I'm just hoping they don't go mad of stuff from Black and White album, and do some of there earlier stuff, from Veni Vidi Vicious. Hope so
  2. The validation system, is preety much just ike that test up there aready, just abit longer winded. And the template for sales threads, are you really that lazy?
  3. Taa There Deity brs, from CRC, there an awsome bar, about 620mm length I think..... An the lacing, lmao. I took my front wheel apart to strip the hub, and started trying different things, aposed to 3x. Its held out well for the best part of a week so far, with my lumux of 17 stone doing gaps to front on it....
  4. Like a puppet on a string, you hold on tight, you..... Going to see them on tour dude? I am
  5. Black paint and bordem =
  6. Tom Booth


    I dunno about them filming and keep on laughing. If it was something that puzzled/scared me, i sure as hell would'nt hang around.
  7. Tom Booth


    Just seen this on the sun page, just wonering what your take on it is? Does this....Thing, exist?! http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article902014.ece Tis quite a weird one, but it is preety shitty quality, hmm.
  8. Not hard?! Bloodey hell, what are you used to? Concrete pads? I know what you mean abotu loud theou, mine where mega loud when I used them. They'll probably be alot quieter in a vee thou, Should make for a very good front brake!
  9. True story, theres a lass I went to college with (insanely hot) who got married when she turned 18, to a 28 year old. She regrets it already (a year on) as she can't just go down town and wake up with some random lad. As strange as it sounds, tis what being young is about. Although I'm in a relationship an have been for 19 months... lolol. Ehh well.
  10. It's not a olour, but 2008 is the return of shit bmx me thinks.......
  11. Tom Booth


    PG Pyramids all the way
  12. Mars Volta - Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt
  13. Ha! I did this to my front Hope hub today. Used some oven cleaner too. Worked a treat Polished it back up with Autosol afterwards
  14. Awsome! Looked like it suits you well Dave. Loved the 270 to back wheel
  15. Google brought up some pages around Europe, if there any good to you dude? Also, alot of Mod riders are rating the Kris Holm rims high, available in 24" here... http://www.unicycle.uk.com/Shop/shopdispla...8&subcat=34 EDIT: Spelling...
  16. Whole of the new Young Knives album, its awsome.
  17. Suttons not so sunny at the minute thou...
  18. It's Sutton in Ashfield, Notts, not far from the home of yours truely!
  19. What sort of rim is it? asin the surface, you could try some of the avid rim wrangler pads, there meant to be sweet. I believe Rowan uses them on the back an they seem scilent on his bike.
  20. Check the Thermostatic hyperdrive volume valve. Usually cause high revving and heat
  21. Next door neighbours have some 11ft tall fences round there house, as there having a second property built on the side, the fence fell down and landed on there caravan, preety much making it an open front affair.
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