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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Don't have to say daft words because everyone else does either.
  2. 46 sec is the coolest thing I have ever seen, video looks really good too.
  3. + = Busyz. EDIT - Bottom on Dave. Awsome.
  4. God.. What cockend posted in here this early... It's only 2.
  5. Early enough to crack this thread up yet?
  6. This is the first and only time I will ever do this.... <3 Tomm
  7. I'm riding a Adamant A1 116mm with 18-15 gearing, an my chains a little slack unless the wheels as far back as possible. Its not enough to have it forward with a link out though, so 18-14 you should be alright (Adamant an the Pitbull have the same 377mm chain stays)
  8. You've been waiting so long to use that haven't you?
  9. Lolz joe you nob vidz mint as f**k, everyon knos sidehops ar the shit. tomx
  10. An how do you suggest you carry 2 bikes, one being a fullsize bike, and run like hell from sed yobo? Put it up on the mbuk forum? Alot of XC'ers an DJ'ers on there
  11. The fact Chuck Norris is still around kind of foils your argument, aswell as the fact that you can go and get films with Norris in. I may well be wrong, but Pete never did a film?
  12. Preety much, called it the eurovision handycap when he was rounding up.
  13. Originally when released Vespa's and Lambretta's didn't have mirrors, then the Gov. brought in a legislation stating all road vehicles should have at least 2 mirrors. Mods pretty much saw this as a chance to take the piss and went bezerk with mirrors and lamps. Hence the mod trend of crazy amounts of lights and mirrors I'm not a fan of the mirrored up scooters but when I was younger, my uncle had a Lamb. Gt200 an spent some serious money on performance upgrades, had slight headwork done along with some carb work and airflow work to the manifolds. It flew! Was a cool looking thing too, I'll try and find a few pictures of it which I'm sure he'll have, only sold it not long ago, had it for years an years!
  14. Did it fall mainly on the plane?
  15. I only watch it for Wogan, he's comments are the best thing ever.
  16. Right, we'll cut that, cut that there. If theres any DJ's listening or house producers, loop that...... Best quote ever. Specially when they get that newspaper write up from America with the comment about 500,000 results on a websearc for 'I could eat a nob at night' 'Are all of those results related to the show? Or are some on about little gay fella's?'
  17. It takes more calories to eat a piece of celery, then the celery contains to begin with.
  18. Leacky's 69'ing and still growning?!
  19. Why, oh why did you quote all the pictures again? Looks good dude, reminds me of Mahers Zenith
  20. 'Never has a manc said so much, that meant so little, to so many' - Ricky Gervais to Karl Pilkington. Makes me laugh everytime I hear it.
  21. A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.
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