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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Don't remind me, missed Shai Hulud at Corperation in sheffield last week Gutted.
  2. That desk actually made me cry laughing
  3. Youtube Video -> Original Video Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  4. I never, ever thought I would hear Paddy say Fikkle
  5. How do you even play GTA4 online?! What happens on there? (asin like, do you have 2 people just roaming round killing? or joint missions? I don't quite see how it could work?)
  6. Tom Booth

    Top Gear

    Was anybody else really disapointed with todays episode? Feels like the shows less about cars now and more about the comedy scenaros the crew can get into. I know the whole shows car based etc, but like the race across Japan, clarkson hardly said a work about the car, and more about his Bill Oddy mask (Although it was hilarious), and the food he was eating. Might just be me, but thats how I feel about the whole series so far... That alfa was stunning thou.
  7. It's really not that exciting Consumable stuff mainly, like plugs/points/rotor arm/dizzy cap etc, new alternator and 3 core radiator in there thou too so it's not all lame. shame I can't find my wallet.... Atleast mini spares handlily saves your last basket, just incase you forget about it next time
  8. Viva La Bam's keepin me awake, plus the fact I'm about to mass order a shed load of stuff from minispares.
  9. Looking foward to seeing progress toward a 116 cassette hub. Surely, Cassette hub, with disc mount an Cam fitting would be the favourite? Cator for all needs that way?
  10. Too right, look where it got Ian Hobley... Then don't deal with them then?
  11. Why's think of the children suddenly come back? It wasn't funny the first time million times it was used
  12. Awesome riding, Adam. That coust looks like it suits you well.
  13. Pah, your all so gay. I use the Onza risers on my Adamant an they feel sooo nice. Oh yeah, bike looks good noJ
  14. Thats preety much my favourite video of all time, sooo good.
  15. My 2nd bike, loved it till it snapped. Firs was a saracen X-cess with straight blades on an Truvativ cranks!
  16. I'll try and get my Online working again, I'm up for a few games of Ridge Racer 7 Sam
  17. Tell me about it Looks awesome dude!
  18. Looks awesome Josh, didn't know they made a Disk GU!
  19. Could you refrain from posting in this topic unless it's bike related please dude? If you feel there is a problem, either PM myself, or any other SM/Mod/Admin and it will be resolved. Now then, back on topic.
  20. Me too, I also like the 116mm spacing on it too They don't look half bad to be honest!
  21. Because it wasn't the time of the place for it. Nice Boxx dude, looks like it'll ride awesome! Anybody managed to break one yet does anyone know?
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