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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Your post is a fine example of why thou? You put 10% effort into the post, I would say poor spelling, but it's not even that. So it's not just the context of your post's, its the text talk an the general lack of effort.
  2. Good show. Might actually do some riding this time.....
  3. Me and Daz where talking about this on the way home from Notts, anybody fancy riding this sunday????
  4. See, that wasn't so hard was it MATSMIIIIIIITH
  5. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    Sounds good to me, aslong as you two don't just leave me on the M1!!!! I like doing 60
  6. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    Starts at 1 Ben, I should imagine people will be hanging about a good few hours if you still want to come down You know you should Annd, do you know of a burgandy/purple Clio round here, same shape as your with some sort of turbo engine in? Keep seeing it about, looks/sounds awesome
  7. You moan when people slam you for being a cock, then when somebody actually asks you something and you have the VAUGEST chance of redeeming yourself, you cock it up again. Nice one broseph
  8. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    If thats good with you?? Plus the M1's like 2 mins form his house....
  9. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    Dilema, missus has just shown an intrest in attending in the mini with me (obviously she gets first dib's as I need to keep her sweet ), but one told Jeff he could have a lift if Anzo pulled out... I sence a plan forming, Boumsong, meet at Tobias's that morning??
  10. Architects - You Don't Walk Away From Dissmemberment
  11. In all seriousness, can anybody undersand what he's actually saying?
  12. i'm running Stolen slick cables front and back and there awesome. Feels reaaallly nice!
  13. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    You best wait for me to get my turbo up and running before the next one!!!
  14. Wasn't even metal was it?
  15. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    Mr Boumsong, I assume you'll be M1'ing it up? Fancy meeting at some services on route?
  16. Tom Booth

    Tf Car Meet

    We all still attending then chaps?
  17. I don't know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't that! Awesome riding!
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