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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. *High Five* See boy's. Girl's are not as daft as you think. I got caught out!
  2. Gay joke not caught on? Anyway, I'm getting out of this thread before I jynx my own relationship....
  3. I've noticed Mr Kearns no longer has '(L) Hannah 4EVA' In his msn name???
  4. Then there's agree'ing with a point, and then there's just being smug
  5. But she dispelled it probably because she could tell you weren't telling the truth? It's a massive mindf**k, but girl's are brighter then you think, you know! My only girl problem at the minute it what can we do friday night... she's comming to stay at mine next week as she has the week off work. Can't wait, it'll be goooood. Any suggestions for friday night???? Non of the meal/cinema/bowling malarky, next week I'm taking her out for the day and taking a BBQ with us providing the weathers good etc. That's the sorta stuff I'm thinking.....
  6. I just had a count up, 20 bite's on my leg's. Do I win?
  7. That looked nasty, hope he's alright! On a different note, where's Tim Pratt nowdays?
  8. Saw you lot last night outside B&Q next to the road. About 6ish.. I could be wrong, but was Lazenby taking Paddy from behind bent over that wall?!
  9. My leg has swollen up loooads today, an my ankle! Daz's arm has too, bloodey thing's
  10. Good ride that, shame I've been bitten 12 time's by those bloody midge things
  11. Cresswell_D on here is 6.5"ish and ride's a Zona Zip
  12. I'm of the same opinion as Danny to be fair, I'd rather have a collection of car's rather then just one supercar. I'd have My mini reshelled in a mk1 shell, straight cut drop gears and a straight cut box, intercooled and running 16+psi would sort me out I'd love a MK1 Escort Mexico too, not to much of a fan of the bubble arched shell's, has to be running some reliable cosworth turbo power lump too
  13. Pos looking for Neg for fun, trips out and maybe more...
  14. Bunny, Sunday? Anybody going for a certain time?
  15. I'm using a cut up DMR Simple Tension Seaker, Cut the axle mounting bit off so it's just on the mech hanger bolt, then just whack a massive nut and bolt through with a fairly large washer either side. Works a treat and hardly ever come's loose, when it does it hardly looses much tension anyway. http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=5777 Might be because I've been fairly luck to get away with a good chain length to start with... (click for larger)
  16. There the best £25 quid I think I've spent on a bike, they feel sooo nice! Anyway.... (click for larger) Changes, DMR Simple Tension Seeker (big single nut and bolt, works a treat) Front Hope XC on Reggie rim sapim black spokes, Front 203mm Hope Mono Trial, Tryall 100x15* rise stem, fire eye FE318 Bars, Made a world of difference to the bike, ride's so nicely now.
  17. Hate car theft, people's pride and joy just taken. Just noticed the sig too Prawn, smoooooooth.
  18. The caliber of jokes in this thread is shit
  19. The only time I have ever had any dealings with T-UK is when I rang up and asked if they had any 32h white try-all rims, I lost total faith in them when the person on the other end of the phone was counting to 36, down the phone. 1. Why aren't they labelled up!? 2. Did he not think to stop when it came to 32 and he had some left to count......
  20. There was no mention of who he already knew....
  21. Oak T's from Manchester (your exact area, infact...) http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showuser=8964
  22. A 90x15* Tryall stem an a set of Fire eye FE318 bars, bar height's now about 41"-42" Ride's soooo goooood! Just painted my forks gloss black, waiting for them to dry properly and then I'll refit and upload pictures.
  23. Boats singing neeeeeeeeeeeeeds to be in that video.
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