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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. YES. Painted echo's with stickers are the way foward. Looks awesome chap, where abouts are you from?
  2. I'd kill for your front wheel Looks ace Johnny, really like it
  3. The ipod on that picture just makes me laugh twice as much for some reason.. haha
  4. at the head tube sticker. Looks alright, not to sure on the paintwork but the frame looks nice.
  5. *Massive Picture Alert* My first 'trials' bike was a Saracen x-ile with rigid's, an truvativ hussefelt cranks, I don't have any pictures thou 2005 T-Raptor (Snapped 2 of these, on the chainstay to yoke weld) So next came a 2005 T-Rex That had many a re-incarnation... Then eventually just got bored of the T-Rex and fancied something a little different.. Still regret selling that, was such a great bike to ride. Felt amazing to do anything on really and super light, ahh well. I'll have another one day... Then I thought I'd try this new age Deng Malarky so I built up an Adamant A1 modstock.. Hated that, felt so dull to ride so I swapped that for my current Ashton.. It might not be an 04 pure, but it's close enough....
  6. It'd be preety cool to just have a wall of them, from the floor to the ceiling, however wide you can go. Or make a bike??
  7. Yeah an it was shit, to be honest
  8. Agree with mr boats really. Federer had ther stamina, and experience to keep his cool over Roddick. Roddick just couldn't go the extra to keep up with him.
  9. I really like TRA on this Caelifera, seems to have the style back he had on the Echo's etc, he seemed to loose his flicky fun side when he started to ride for Koxx (it was still f**king massive riding thou) Liked this video alot, really good stuff
  10. Chit Chat - Best Of The Internet. The sticky at the top of the page
  11. Hope that point of beer was toight, toight like a toiger.
  12. I dread to think just how old she was what you where doing when you broke that, Kris...
  13. How the f**k does anybody not know the song? Kasabian - Club foot?!
  14. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload In term's of showing what trials is all about, an just a good watch it has to be Randomness
  15. I dunno about anybody else, but I learnt back hops and pedal hops by wheeling into them? Like a half crank roatation while lifting the bike then locking the brake when you feel comfy and your right foots foward, then getting it down to a 1/8th kick onto the back wheel and just repeating. Probbaly not the best way to do it as I hate pedal hopping onto the backwheel now, it feels really uncomfortable to me
  16. Seriously? Some awesome lines in that, really enjoyed it.
  17. Some people are saying Micheal Jackson fell over his son's pushchair which brought on the cardiac arrest. Experts say it's too soon to blame it on the buggy
  18. I'm dissapointed in all of you except Dan, where's the Mini love? My 1293cc turbo'd mini...
  19. RIP Jackson, such a shame really
  20. BBC news report just announced he's possibley in a coma, not confirmed eitherway thou...
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