I know how you feel man. I broke up with my ex last august, after 2 years. It was preety stable, no real problems but we went away for the week and all week I just felt more and more unhappy with what we had so I decided to end it a week or so after we got back. For a week or so I just felt such a b*****d as I properly broke her heart. It was all from my side that we split up as she was madly inlove but I just wern't interested anymore. A year on it was one of the best thing's I've ever done. I realised after we split that I'd got sooo overweight, so lazy, crabby, snappy aand generally turned into a fanny. Been with the new missus 11 monthish and I couldn't be happier. We do such amazing thing's together, don't just sit about, we go out for nights, weekends we go places apposed to sitting in bed all day eating rubbish. My quality of life has just got soooo much better an I really couldn't be any happier. Chin up Simon, if it wasn't what you wanted then why bother keeping it? May aswell just move on an get what you want in a relationship!!