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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. *jardo in making me laugh shocker* http://www.therockofgibraltar.co.uk/index.php Cool with everybody? Says they have a carpark and stuff, aswell as drinks and food. Looking like a winner for some interesting roads too.
  2. Preety much, there's one or two too scared to leave cornwall with there square wheels. An Jardo, all I need to do is put an engine back in, run fuel lines and refit my dash and seats an mine could would be there. Just un-painted, an generally looking worse then it usually does.
  3. Just thinking it's a little more suited for the southerner's that didn't attend last time, an just abit fairer on everybody. Just got to get my car finished now
  4. That'd be awesome in my opinion, I recon somewhere more wstern but a similar distance down south would be sick
  5. What freewheel is it, might help? If it's unsealed and you don't fancy playing with 100's of bearings, just soak it in GT85 or 3in1 oil, then blob something like finishline wet lube aruond the outer so it seeps into the pawls and springs.
  6. NEVER! Those glasses have litterally been everywhere. Menorca, York, Scarbrough, Skegness, Germany, London, Paris an the the usual nights in town. I'm not giving them to that bellend to ruin.
  7. Didn't Iolo have one too? I quite like them, Always wanted a mk2 levelboss thou
  8. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  9. I know how you feel man. I broke up with my ex last august, after 2 years. It was preety stable, no real problems but we went away for the week and all week I just felt more and more unhappy with what we had so I decided to end it a week or so after we got back. For a week or so I just felt such a b*****d as I properly broke her heart. It was all from my side that we split up as she was madly inlove but I just wern't interested anymore. A year on it was one of the best thing's I've ever done. I realised after we split that I'd got sooo overweight, so lazy, crabby, snappy aand generally turned into a fanny. Been with the new missus 11 monthish and I couldn't be happier. We do such amazing thing's together, don't just sit about, we go out for nights, weekends we go places apposed to sitting in bed all day eating rubbish. My quality of life has just got soooo much better an I really couldn't be any happier. Chin up Simon, if it wasn't what you wanted then why bother keeping it? May aswell just move on an get what you want in a relationship!!
  10. If you do end up moving the mounts away from the stays apposed to along them, I'd be looking at a booster rather sharpish. The additional height on the mounts will giev the brake soo much more leverage, making your brake spongey as hell/flexing your frame past what its supposed to, making the frame more likely to snap around the top of the stays.
  11. Preety much. The only reason I'm spending on the mini is the fact that car's me. It's what I've made it and it's just so much fun to drive. Makes me smile everytime I drive it so to me I'd rather have spent the £5k+ I have on it, then have £5k's worth of 04 Corsa or something that would just bore me to death on the daily commute. I know the mini's not going anywhere for a long time yet, it'll either be used as a daily until I need a new daily commuter an then I have the space on the back garden to keep it so it's hardly causing me a burden. Until that day thou, I'll enjoy every penny I've spent on it. Plus with something like a quick mini or a quick mk1 fiesta etc, it's never going to be uncool. You'll always be able to recoup some of your money. I know for a fact I won't get all of my money back but that doesn't bother me as like I said, it isn't going anywhere.
  12. In. Can I be a butterbean type figure?
  13. Yeah the rear axle. I remember you saying to Jack (marshall) you had a new axle, but I didn't know if you'd fixed it yet. I've met you once or twice, never really spoken thou, I'm Jack Marshall's mate, red mini with the black roof.
  14. Sorted the VTR yet Chip? Haven't seen it around mansfield in ages
  15. Preety much, my uncle used to have a masssssiiiive marine tank (he used to work in a aquatics center) and said it was the most intensive thing he's ever had to do looking after the fish. Although he did have an awesome lion fish (was the size of a bowling ball, massive thing), an he was terrified of feeding it. Venomous fish aren't to be messed about with . Go tropical, you can get fake coral stuff that looks preety much just as good and tropical is fairly easy to look after providing you let the tank mature in the first place.
  16. Yeah, tisn't cheap but it looks great in the right tanks. Only problem is thats usually a marine tank that suits it, an marine tanks are haaaard work.
  17. Do it, getting fish was one of the coolest thing's I've ever brought. There really interesting to watch, for some reason
  18. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  19. Tom Booth


    Should be a interesting season now then! Really gutted for Massa thou, he was on for a great season next year if not this year. Shame to see him out!
  20. Doesn't matter, there all on drugs anywayz.
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