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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. 36l is abit small for those 3 Si, keep it clean thou and they should be ok. Might want to go for a bigger tank eventually mind! The purists will tell you 70l per FISH is what you need, but I think it's a little extreme. I have 5 Orandas an a Black Moor in a 150l (I think, I forget) tank, I hoover the gravel once a week and do about 20% water changes mid week and there really healthy, happy and are growing at a massive rate! When there young you can usually get away with smaller tanks for a year or so. Still, slap some pictures up! What cat fish is it? After 2 days of being in his new home, Boris is settled well, eating, basking, shitting, doing everything a bearded dragon should do! So, I give you, Boris the 11 week old Beardy! He's quite the character! Quite fun to watch.
  2. Stop spending money on bike's and pay for some car insurance? Train?
  3. 'I'm Out.' Car's going to paint Tuesday an I've got far tooo much left to do before it goes. Sorry Chaps
  4. I was thinking sometihng along the lines of next june/july if enough are interested?
  5. Nobody disputed it so.... http://www.therockofgibraltar.co.uk/index.php If we're going to the ring, you don't need to find a deecent source of ale. I know where there is a alcohol warehouse 5 minutes away from the campsite
  6. Sister decided she wanted a Bearded Dragon a while ago but couldn't afford one (she lost her job just after christmas, recently found work again but is paying off what she borrowed durring unemployment). So mum, dad and me all chipped in an we've built this up for her as a suprise. All she need's to do is buy the Beardy now She asked my dad to enquire with a few people how much they'd charge for a build, an dad asked her how she'd want it etc. Here's too hoping she like's it!
  7. Anybody else interested, in either really. I'm not driving all the way to Germany with just Allen
  8. That's f**king gorgeous Kenny. Really like these new Echo's
  9. Aaaarctik Munkeeeys. Humbug, not a bad album. Different thou
  10. Looks good Sam, me and Tobias are planning a matlock/buxton ride soon if your interested?
  11. Deffinatley. Any chance your building an Echo Urban up Ads?
  12. I'm liking that Geo! I'm a massive fan of these, may have to see what finances look like in a few months...
  13. SICK. Anybody wearing Bens Mankini?
  14. My cock wouldn't fit in a 14mm hole.
  15. They could have used matching screws....
  16. Rawsome. Might be there with Tobias...
  17. The sidehoppedal-crankspin thing is back That's my favourite thing I've ever seen in a video, loved it in the old T-Raptor video's. Fixie vid's cool thou, really enjoyed it.
  18. AIR COOLED INVASION! Went to a dub show with Dad in his recentley finished westfalia, decided I'd take some pictures.. Papa's '70 earlybay Other busses/car's on show... (car of the show for me, f**king awesome \/ )
  19. Don't overstock Goldfish Simon, they shit for england so create sooo much mess. Get pictures thou
  20. What actually happened for him to end up like that, anyone?
  21. Sam an Allen sound nothing alike Happy birthday thou Sam! Have a good day whatever you do. It's my dad's birthday today aswell, busy day!
  22. Looks to me like they have cut down mech hanger's on, Flipp. I'm massivley interested in one of the Echo's now after a second look. (Sorry I didn't text back last night Flipp, I forgot you had text me and I was driving. I can't make saturday man, work )
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