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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. That was really good Flipp, the control you have on the 24 is mental.
  2. Apart from that gret sodding webber and mental head Whoever came up with 2k for panel beating and a lick of paint needs there head pulling out there arse. Tobias has a slide hammer? Ask if you can borrow that. Ooooor there only about £20 quid for a cheapo thing but it'll come in handy time and time again. What exactly was the £2000 quote for? Panel beating, prep and paint? Isolated around the rear quater or the whole car?
  3. Eastwood ehy? I'm only from Kirkby so I'd be very willing to pop over sometime for a ride, providing theres actually much to ride in eastwood?
  4. Looks smart that dude I'd love to have a blast next night/bunny ride!
  5. Yeah, Happy birthday mate. Have a good day!
  6. My house is on there now Wouldn't tell my old engine used to leak
  7. J88 TWB, my sister bought it me for my 21'st. J - it's on my '91 mini; 88 - I was born on the 8/8/88; TWB - Thomas William Booth.
  8. Always rediculously impressed by your riding, Luke. Tom's riding at the start was awesome aswell!
  9. Stop showing them your nob then. We've spoke about this before Adam.
  10. I usually do either a 20%ish water change a weekend, just to keep stuff peachy. Cycling is basically letting the filter build up the bacteria to combat/break down the harmful crap in the water from the fish/animals waste. Usually your recommended to do a fishless cycle to avoid Ammonia or Nitrate spikes which could harm the inhabitants. Theres never really anything visual to note, although I would buy a water testing kit to ensure you don't harm him. Just to make sure you can get your PH levels right, and see how your tank is cycling Ed
  11. Missively dissapointed with a title like that.
  12. Tom Booth

    Mikey C

    That line at College onto the roof was sweet as Mikey, really liked.
  13. Ha, the sex was unknown when we bought her and she got named boris, but the names stuck now we know she's female. Nah, she's really tame to handling, put your arm in the viv and if she really wants to come out she'll leap onto your arm. If she doesn't thou you can still pick her up and shes not bothered at all. Started setting up a new tropical (brackish) tank downstairs a week ago, it's just cycling at the minute, dropped soe of my filter media in there to try and introduce the cycle, it's comming along well. Just got to get the salt levels right an adjust the PH level when its matured. Ready for some figure eight puffers Tank as it stands (I admit, its just a tank with water and some bubbles in at the minute ) The intended fish..... Needs some plastic plants or some ribbon plants or something, F* puffers are destructive little things aparently. Can't decide wether to go for 3-4 puffers (the puffers eat anything, fin nip or just rip the other fish open, so your kinda limited to what fish you can have with them, specially considering you have to stay with brackish fish too), or a schoal of tetra and a few colourful mollies, angels or discus or something.....
  14. Thought I would pop up some up to date pictures of Boris, her colours are coming through well now
  15. Just keep it in clean water, mixed with some water treatment to keep infection away and you will be fine. He needs a bigger tank thou dude, something like 20gallon+ should be a minimum atleast. Keep good filtration too. I know it sounds abit extreme for fish she just wanted to save, but if/when he heals up, he'l need somewhere rather large to live in....
  16. I've been pulled three times, once because I was riving a car with a rear bulb out (no warning or anything, just to let me know it was out). Also for a switch in the mini, the end lights up blue (its the colour of the main beam light on my dash) an as its quite bright they told me to swap it so I don't get any further trouble. An the other time was for sliding on ice, and the chap was being an arse an though I was trying to drift, and then accused my car of all sorts of things like bald tyres (despite they were Yokohamas, which are neigh on bald anyway).
  17. Yeah but the amount of time you spend actually riding your bike when your out is what hinders you
  18. Yeah my sisters had a look before but to be honest, she gets it round her neck what shes meant to be looking for. So we just gave up really. Although the chap at the store (he's a reptile fanatic. Been all over the world observing everything from Iggys to chameleons to torts!) an he could tell straight away. I'm 99% sure Ralph's female too, but at the minute he's still to young to sex, reaches maturity and I'll have a definite answer when he's 8 .
  19. Nah, she's still Boris. We have no intention of breeding her so sex is irrelevant to be honest. Just took her to have her nails cut the other day (sounds a right madam now ) at our local reptile shop and he said how spoilt she was. Wat.
  20. Apologies Davey Yeah the one at Castle Marina has a shite load in a 2x2 viv, I know they don't have them for very long due to them being a 'reputable' pet store, but its still wrong. Like when fish stores overstock the f**k out of their tanks. Regardless of how long you expect to have them in your tank for, they should still be treated fairly.
  21. Which POH is it, Dave? They seem to have a fair few in not overly massive viv's a lot of the time. Quite sad to see to be honest. Oh yeah, turns out Boris our Beardy is female
  22. Good to see Lee's still out there and riding well! I remember watching the Volume video's with him, Br3n and Andy P. Used to love those
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