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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. I'm building abit of a singletrack/XC/do it all bike at the minute, in the guise of an on one 456. I have 90% of the parts sorted/on order the main part I'm lagging is a good set of forks to suit. Preferably around the 140-160mm travel mark, Im after something that can stand upto abit of a battering on some singletrack sorta stuff, but will comfortably get me to work an back in the summer too, I've read really good things about Rockshox Pikes, but I would prefer something with QR instead of 20mm bolt up, I don't know if there is any sort of adapters to convert? The only thing that came up when I googled it is converters for wheel truing stands. I have no idea if it makes any difference but I'm 16st. I'd like to spend around 200-300 if possible but if anybody has spotted anything in the second hand market then shout up! Cheers..
  2. Listen to him ^^ I did, ordered an On One 456 Summer season last week, it arrived within 2 days an I'm shocked at how good the quality is for the price. I ordered mine the day after they went back up to full price which was a bit annoying, but still the quality for £160 is brilliant, mega chuffed with it. Although I can't comment on how it rides 'cus I haven't finished building it up yet. But if it lives up to its reviews then I don't think I'll be disappointed!
  3. Good work man, watch the reptile/insect dvd to be the most impressed, its incredible!
  4. I bought this last night... A 10 week old Leopard tortoise. She's unbelievably cute. My updated tables as good as finished now, just needs the shelving/boards painting.
  5. This, an Life, the Attenborough series. Incredible in bluray.
  6. To be honest I had looked into combi bulbs but from what I've read they hardly seem to last, an seem abit of a waste of time considering the UVB output they actually give off. The only one worth thinking about seems to be the new Arcadia 100w/160w flood bulbs. Gonna hang on a month or so an then see how people rate the Arcadia bulbs then, first tests seem promising thou!
  7. Decided to give my torts abit more room, an seen as I wernt using the space above, this came about... All the bottom frame work will be hidden an turned into a cupboard, an there are 2 4ft Arcadia 12% T5 tubes on order!!
  8. I alwaaaays knew you were a wrong'un.
  9. I need to finish building the bike up! I'd definatly be up for a few evening rides for sure. Try an get back into the swing of it, plus it'll help me get shifting some of this weight . I'm free most nights from about 5onwards.... Where abouts are you staying Paul?
  10. I decided I didn't realllly like the limey, so I've decided to rebuild the ashton. I'm kinda midway between limey-ashton crossover and I fancy some new parts so I'm doing that at the same time. Hence the bikeless action.
  11. Any perticular reason? I haven't sold up or anything, I just don't have a full bike built at the minute.
  12. Ghostpoet - Cash and Carry me home
  13. BLAST. I'd love a night ride tuesday but I have no bike at the minute.
  14. I only change about 1ltr every 3 days or so. just sink a mixing jug an refill, simples. Thats on a 120l fancy goldfish tank. I dunno about keeping turtles, but tortoises are fairly easy to keep. Like most reptiles they need a source of heat an a source of UVB be it an all in one combined bulb, or a separate UV strip an a basking spot lamp. Diet plays a pretty big part in keeping them, just make sure there fed the right mix of flowers, weeds an grasses an they're a doddle to keep. There much more interesting then most people think, Ned (My leopard tort) is pretty fast to be honest when he's warmed up an usually its to sprint towards the food dish.
  15. Update on my lot... Ralph - Ned - Possibly soon to be joined by a Yemen Chameleon....
  16. Buy a cat anyway, you'll never see it an she will never know.
  17. Looks good dude, just keep ontop of your water changes and you'll be fine. Ironically I lost one of my fish this morning, It got trapped under a rock a while ago and ripped all its sides up, treated it with melafix but its never been right since so it was kinda a relief to find it had died, I'll have to put recent pictures up of my lot in a minute...
  18. Thanks monkeyseemonkeydo, that was really helpful. I'll do a bit more research on monkey world an see if its worth a journey down there to check it out. I'm about to order 'Monkey World series 1' on DVD, I just need to wait for my mum to get home so I can ask permission to use her card .
  19. I've never been to Monkey world. Could somebody write me a comprehensive guide, with the pro's an con's of visiting Monkey world please?
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