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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. Just measured some genuine ones, 2" or as near as damn it.
  2. Want more then that robin! Love migs. Can my misses be allowed in here now? She just bought a kind of mini.. Went out in it last weekend on a test drive an it's stunning, 2008 mini one, 1.4 with the 'salt' pack. Drives fantastic, comfy, quiet an is incredibly smooth. Shits all over the fiat 500 we went in the day before. I'll grab some pictures when she picks it up this weekend.
  3. Can't beat mk2 action. I got bored at work too, here's my findings... Soo f**king awesome. Love the sheer amounts of boost, looks such a handful! Gutted it wasn't at Goodwood last year.
  4. The problem is, to many people see supercharge kits as a bolt on mod, so they literally just do that. Built properly there fantastic. Same with turnominis really, people buy a f**ked metro turbo motor, if its lucky it'll get a de-coke, drop it in with an intercooler an expect it to run at 10psi, then birch when it shits the bed. Built properly there fantastic things. Turbominis out weigh the supercharger tenfold. Bang for buck its turbo all day long.
  5. At the minute there doing another pre release kit on a car on turbo minis. It's not there yet but its only weeks away. It's a clever bit of kit, makes so much more sence being blow through.
  6. Not fast enough? Surely in the right environment its more then fast enough. Mine was running around 120bhp (about on par with Nick, maybe abit more torque, but not much in it...) an was more then enough for me, admitted the power delivery will be a lot different but on a b road it was a weapon. An a handful of supercharged successful minis? There's hundreds, either converted mpi's or just jonspeed specials. There all reliable really, just a fanny to fuel properly. Graham H's sc10 998 is literally my favourite mini ever. Best charged mini, fact.
  7. Just seen this on Facebook, awful stuff, glad he's alright thou. Slap it all in a b5 passat wagon! Nobody would expect that...
  8. Yeah, although I haven't used them there's no denying 32r's are the dogs, but the wear rate puts me off them. A008s always coped fairly well with the torque on mine too which was good. Getting a few bits an bobs done on the mini soon, once the rain stops!
  9. Naice. Looking good dunc, personally I'd opt for a008s for road, but can't go wrong with sticky rubber!
  10. Dads reclaimed his garage so I bought a cover, Genuinely impressed for 60notes, fits perfect. Ebay buy if anybody else wants one, its the only outdoor one on there for about 55+ post..
  11. Ha, same as in my 6n2 polo, I just used the silver latch from then on.
  12. 1.2, just wants something nice an simple. Cheers dude, much appreciated.
  13. That all you know of jardo? Not too fussed about deposits etc as she's buying second hand. Cheers dude, she's after a well spec'd pop, then drop sport wheels on there.
  14. Jardo, just the man... Honest an truthful weak points of the new 500's? Missus wants to swap her loathfull smart car for one an after speaking to a few people I just wanna know if there's any weakpoints showing in them yet (other then the badge...) Whatever you say won't particularly make any difference in her buying one, just want to be aware if there's anything to be aware of an be as honest as you can.. From what she can find an has read seat stitching seems to have been a problem for a few, but not too bad..
  15. Too scene?? I think so.
  16. I love how topics named 'ignore' or delete get better attention more then good topics...
  17. Tom Booth


    Awful accident. All the best to her an her family.
  18. Do it yourself Mike, wheels are nice to work on an good results can be had with just some time an effort. How bad are they in terms of kurbing/peeling??
  19. Yes! Wagon owners, UNITE!!
  20. Cheers, getting into notch territory now.. Just want another 20 or so mm on the back an it'll look perfect I think.
  21. Just realized, what a shit picture! I'll get some better ones this weekend.
  22. Looks awesome Dan, gotta love a dropped wagon. May need you for my rear archs! Fronts all the way down, helpers out... Want the backs flaring abit so it can come down abit more to level it out. Rides well thou considering.. Anybody going to Stanford this Sunday??
  23. Getting there Alex, looks fantastic.
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