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Tom Booth

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Everything posted by Tom Booth

  1. A: The car has had a small fortune spent on it and did at one point belong to a Norwich city football player. I'd buy it just on that merit.
  2. We aren't sick of it. Repost it!
  3. 1st world problems - 1 of.
  4. I had abit of a break down today, we've got a work experience lad at work who's disabled, he has 1/2 a working lung, breathing apparatus grafted into his cheast more or less keeping him going, a deformed spine, and is around 31/2 ft tall. Now he's not a dwarf, just very small. He has absolutely nothing to go home for, his mum has no job, abit of a useless cow, his dad left with his sisters and 'didn't want that one'. He can stand for 30-40 minute bursts then has to rest. With all this in his life, he's the most optimistic and happy go lucky person I have ever met. He wants a part in everything and nothing puts him off anything. Talking to him and his 'story' makes you realize just how much of a fanny you can sound when you moan about the most trivial shit. Really struck a cord today. He really wants to be a panel beater/bodywork man. Obviously this isn't practical as he culdnt spray a wing, let alone a roof but nothings gonna hold him back it seems! I know that all sounds really x factor or whatever but it just really struck home today talking to him, he's incredible.
  5. New top gear advert looks goood
  6. eBay item number - 161035471199 There's loads on there. Just search pallet coffee table. There's someone selling vodka bottles with fairy lights in as a 'up cycled' lamp. You could buy your own vodka, enjoy it and fit your own lights for less then that chumps selling them for.
  7. 'Shabby chic'. What a crock of shit. Ruining some great iconic furniture in their ignorance, then putting castors on a pallet, topping it with glass and calling it a coffee table. £200!!!!!!
  8. Genius! Just wouldn't enjoyed if that joint had let slip, Lolol.
  9. Harvey's the furniture store are f**king useless. 'Thank you for calling our automated hotline. Unfortunately, our office is now closed. Our operating hours are Monday to Friday 8-8 and Saturday 9-3pm.' Y no answer! It's 2.30!!!!!! I want my settees!!!!
  10. I just couldn't help myself to be honest. I saw the oportunity and struck. Like senna once said 'as a fanny, if you no longer go for an oportunity, your no longer a fanny'
  11. Strange, she didn't mind when I did.
  12. Looking at pictures of mine earlier, can't wait to get the house finished so I can work on my Beasty, I wanna be sat in here....
  13. Fold down back seats, drop air bed in, inflate and bingo.
  14. It's a doddle dunc, I always used to get the vacuum pointing at plug2 and it'll neigh on always start, then take it from there with the gun.
  15. That was incredible. Such an awesome idea and concept! Loved that so much.
  16. Madness, with cider and good company. Kipped in the passat with the missus too. Was a good night that!
  17. Just had a right nice nap. Feel good for it to!
  18. Brown paper and gasket gunk ***
  19. I gathered it was a petrol when we mentioned coil packs . I thought it might be worth noting that the derv stuff is renowned for a shity idle. Does it come and go Paul? Mine does it for a few days then just fades away for a few weeks.
  20. There is no fault Paul, nearly all diesels vws of that generation do it. When I bought my bus I thought it was a flywheel issue but turns out they nearly all do it. This has been backed up by a vag mechanic I know of.
  21. Lolol, not supprised to be honest, it had been patched loads. Good trade.
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