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Peter Green

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Everything posted by Peter Green

  1. video someday soon it hops alright, but i always had non-"stick" bikes, so it's alright for me. For others - they can't stand on the backwheel on it.
  2. I'm sure it couldve been done much better, so this song is still "free" the editing was just not the right style for it, actually this track is very hard to put video onto.. btw i believe i saw it used before somewhere.. eh, nevermind)
  3. Thanks! Yes I am, although had to saw off most of the carbon seatpost off :`(
  4. The tensionner works great with some restrictions. But the pros overweight the cons. I have the earlier model, which doesn't fit the chainstay very well, but still works. Also, landing on it would crash it no less but more than the regular hook. TrAsHeR weeeeell, kinda i felt it was cool to write the title in french:) chimpanzyyyy rides good, shorter then tucana with it's advantages and disadvantages. Only thing that don't ride good is me) Inur yes, this i had to do.. not the best looking part) Alex Dark naaaaw way, only black. Otherwise it would spoil the impression from the tyre work Thanks all!
  5. Ma beauty. Here are the pics. THere's some text in russian - but it's really simple)) you should try and you'll get it) use dark arrows to shift images, use a small link at the bottom - "(комплектация)" to see the specs Comments welcome! You can also comment on the page.. Thanks! Anticipating q's about the tyres - theres a whole article about painting them in the later post. Read carefully )))
  6. good funny video. only thing: i didn't like how your bike rides. too sketchy and rough!)
  7. 2.55-2.58 was a really great editing moment! Thank you)
  8. perrrrrrrrrrrrrfecto! old school is da shiz
  9. caaaaaaause i had a small hope to find one new GET vid that i haven't seen!!!
  10. unfortunately seen them all a 100 times
  11. um perfect except for the seat (
  12. well that's sorta very good for a first-time riding?..
  13. Vid2: 1:40 - 1:50 - those seens deserve being placed under glass and hung on the front wall the picture is great And closer to the end, in the hangar, some scenes looked sooo holywood i want that camera. come ride with us someday:)
  14. ben your videos are the bezt thank you!
  15. wow i actually recognized this place from some australian guy's vids, you probably know what im taliking about )) but i thought nah it can't be; hey when i come to australia can i stay at your bedroom too? )) and btw this video is the greatest, i mean Riki is. Want more!
  16. Hey Jonny, the thing that i keep pointing out is that yes, it's more a music clip than a pure trials video. My trials pretty much suck . AND I know some effects are 2 yrs old, i can see that now I'm having tons of fun making and watching these 'eye-candy' type of videos. btw GET were one of the biggest ispirations for me. Chee i might just write some memoires )) And also i have a strong feeling that this kind of video is of bigger impact for the (probably less trials-experienced) viewer ; not that i'm making the video for the masses )
  17. liked it ever after although some more rigidity on the rear would help
  18. Thanks mrkoxx! trials freak It just doesn't go YouTube for me, it uploads, but there's no sound... I tried several times, no luck download it, you won't regret!!)
  19. yeah, it was meant to be more of a clip than of a pure trials video in its own right same thing about the long intro - i was going to make the video much longer thanks non the less
  20. Guys, thanks a lot))) I hope to collect 100 badgers The music stops because the video is Neverfinished. When the music ends - it's the end of editing, and after that i've just put some more clips to make it longer and to share those clips and that's it!
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