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Everything posted by MrSuave

  1. MrSuave

    Slow Magura

    i found that removing the brake lever pivot bolts, cleaning, greasing up like a badboy, threadlocking and doing it up JUST tight enough helped a load.....smoooooth and snappy as hell. youll notice if your really tighten it up the lever will be sooo sluggish regardless of the bleed. hope this helps
  2. now theres really no need to bunnyhop 6ft gaps is there? Looked like your back got a bit caned...ouch! at least you got it though.....time for new pads and a fresh grind i say
  3. looks the like the dirty love child of an orange 222 and a sarcen x-ess!!!! the new belay is better but fair play to koxx for continuing to push boundries and dabble in new ideas
  4. ooooh danny.......... ''its this big!!!'..... lol, you bastards
  5. i wouldn't buy that for £300, not for mainly XC usage. it will be cumbersome and its heavy. go for something without discs as this will allow better spec'd gears and wheels etc. for £300 i would expect at least deore gearing and shimano hubs. you want a solid base - good frame wheels and drivetrain. the rest like bars, saddle, stem, pedals etc are cheap to upgrade as and when they die. Id also look at older versions. shops always knock money off last years models..... Try these; Merlin malt1 deore Viper Giant or even better, get on ebay and get a good second one for that amount, far better option IMO Hope this helps MrSuave
  6. oh oh touch me.......! Cant belive im showing you the first one....... yes she tied me up and f**ked me silly! a blindfold, bit of whipped cream and a finger up the bum is a worthwhile experience. i suggest you try it ...
  7. oooh HS11, i wouldnt if you value you arse or do get it if are into self harming , for £35 buy a used HS33 from ebay or on here. I specifically like the part about 'composite lever'......composite, as in, hard plastic
  8. get some clear silicone like you use to seal bathroom and kitchen joints, smear it round the leaking area, leave to go off for at least 2-3hrs, then bam. no more leak..... either that or PTFE tape fromplumbers merchant and wang a load of that round .......or both That or maybe you cud perhaps take it ot someone who really knows what their doing to replace the hosing once and for-all? Oh and when you bleed, you push the fluid into the caliper and it comes out the lever. dont bleed from the lever back, it will ne work.. MrSuave
  9. Get him to send it as a 'gift' that way, you no pay tax....
  10. does everyone in hastings have silly small wheeled bikes? , just that a couple of us were going to have a punt down there on sunday for a ride..... fancy showing us around hobnob? MrSuave
  11. Were not called MrSuave for nothing you know JJ .......... Yes, you should come down in the summer definately, anytime you want my man. stay at mine!, weve got 2 spare double rooms and a double garage for the bikes, there must be at least 5 awesome riding spots within 30miles...... Do it! do it do it!!!!! MrSuave... PS- bring the pratt boy with you and jon shrubbery. in fact, anyone you bloody like. more the merrier
  12. ex girlfriend once asked me, along with many other things (dumb bint) ; '' arn't the sun and the moon the same thing?'' and also '' isn't cape town in wales?'' one of my particular favourites - ''its not rape its suprise sex'' and good ol monty python; ''hes not the messiah, hes a very naughty boy, now PISS OFF''
  13. I had a so called 'proper' brake - a 180mm hope mono trial and it annoyed me beyond belief. never stopped going wrong! grrr..... and bent rotors are not funny. Ive gone back to what i know and trust. As for the disc specific rim, its fine. the sidewlls are flat, they just have holes in them .pretty much means it works like ive ground the rim only a touch less harsh, not sure on longevity of both pads and rim though cheers guys.... MrSuave
  14. well here it is, swapped forks from silver controls disc only to black controls with 4bolt. now has f+r 06 HS33,s in silver as apposed to mono trial and RB lever setup and added VIZ! maxbars as apposed to pazzaz carbons.... i loves it, so tight now, although my friends have nicknamed it 'the barge' due to its silly length Comments welcomed.... MrSuave
  15. pete you goon! - Laterooms.co.uk wang in destination and viola, all cheapo hotels although if you wait till im back from ibiza we can take the van and lock them inside to the chassis....
  16. Flower? thats what its for! no wonder all my ebay stuff looks fuzzy! cheers dude..... And as for longevity, ive had it like this for a few months now although i only put the spacers in and really dialled it the other day and so far. no bent hangers, no chain falling off, no slipping, nowt! im rather pleased Oh and it tensions upwards not down as it looks neater and keeps it more out the way..... Cheers all! MrSuave
  17. Right, Well basicly i was fed up with having to re-bend the spring tension arm on my DMR tension seeker2 and a friend (cheers wolfe!) gave me a real nice cnc'd hanger banger so with a bit of jiggery pokery, a hacksaw and a bench grinder i managed to mate the 2 so that i now have in my opinion the perfect tensioner. I can tension the chain perfectly with no tools, simply undo the quick release apply required pressure to the hanger banger and viola', 1 tensioned chain. also, as the hanger banger fits snug it prevents the mech hanger from being bent too. i sidhoped a square hand rail today, landed smack on the hanger and nothing, just had to retension, which took all of 20sec's!! You need to trim approx 3-4mm from the area of the banger that clamps onto the frame and also the QR end that come with it. make sure its square or it wont work. Then you need to grind/file the tensioner so that the banger fits snug, this will need to be done near the bolt area, dont go too far or you will loose the area where the banger allpys pressure. Take the splined part of the tensioner off completely (2 parts plus the spring arm) and use spacers instead. bolt up, check alignment, tension and bobs your uncle. If anyone wants pointers or more info, let me know. you will be very happy with the final product if you do it correctly. MrSuave Heres what to it looks like-
  18. this is yummy....... [attachmentid=5456]
  19. i was lucky enough to go to koxx days and watched nigh on every top rider going and what seemed to be the gapping difference between them and us 'normos' was the mistakes in sections. not only did they do huge super technical moves but they would pull them everytime, no questions asked. i was watching along with many others, hermance and gilles coustellier practice sidehopping up this rocky walled area. the sidehop was around, at a guess, about 52". which is pretty massive in itself. but it wasn't the size that impressed me the most, it was the fact that the take off was basicly damp and sandy and covered in roots. the landing was also not square, the back end needed to go higher than the front and there were just so many factors that made it difficult and neither of them could make it, they must have had 6/7 goes each but in the end they both got it bang on. they didn't break a sweat. didn't get annoyed and didn't give up, the sheer determination and willingness to put in hours after hours of practice everyday is what gives them their edge i would say. As for particular moves i would say upping from very short runups is a big one and as said above, gaps to front plus sheer balance.... MrSuave
  20. shaweeeeeet, ridings like ed tongue's and kenny belay's love child! loved it.top vid... great tune too. what the hell is that? sounds like minty fresh british hiphop... roots manuva?
  21. hit me with you erection stick (rhythm) - ian drury and the blockheads erection in a bottle -(genie) christina aguileri-arse POW! ooh this is fun isn't it!? MrSuave
  22. the 'special' undrarm you get from the chemist is called Driclor, it really is rather evil stuff and you itch like hell when you first use it. it has a mass of aluminium phosphate in it or something like that which stops you sweating. you start off apllying it every day for a week after showering then every other day until you only do it once a week and then stop all together until it starts again. i need to whack it on once every three months and it really does help. also find that vasaline intensive care anti-perspirant works very well. And finally, i bought a tshirt from lowe alpine at tk maxx which is a man made fabric and by god does it keep me cool, well worth it for £6 !!!! Driclor, clicky clicky... Not found a cure for my head sweat yet but last thursday i went and watched the footy, had 3pints of stella then went riding and it was hot and muggy and their was minimal sweatage.!
  23. well where did you bloody get it then? i cant find it on itunes, i is desperate for it! Pete - ah yes, forgot to mention the filming. pete is king willy at fiming, freds angles are gayboy up the bum. happy now tina, you fat lard ?
  24. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lilly Allen! the baddest most invisable song ever! and i did more than one thing in this vid! woop woop.were really gonna have to make the next one pretty darn good to keep going like this jam sponge dodgy pants, tiptop job on the editing/music selection. impressed i am with your media skills, not to mention you pant exposing riding malarky. Did anyone else notice my legs look shaved and rather pasty?! FRED - WHERE DID U GET THE LILLY ALLEN SONG FROM YOU GIT! MSN IT TO ME NOW!!!!!
  25. oh my, nearly porked a real fat brd, shes sooo hawky we call her the sasquatch but her house is massice, we had a pool party and shes fat, but tanned and lots of makup but i think shess a bit oh my much..... ahh...... my birds asleep, i wa
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