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    Ben Trinder
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    ZOO! Python

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. LMAO, this is fun to read.... my opinion....... MBUK was the mag i brought back in the day... and i still recive it through me door. love lookin through it!!! love the article on Danny H! f**kin legend.... reminds me of the good old days where u could ride for fun!! I wish it was still like this!! i remember back in the day! old school times... everyone had seats and pashleys etc!! was mega... ride with a f**k load of riders and have the crack, with people pushin the scene. But now there is too much compitition.. u cant do what u want.. people just look at u now in discuss and bitch about... awww he cant do this and that when they belive its easy.. its all about how high u can sidehop and f**kin what frames u have and that... f**k that... fair enough u can sidehop 50"! but.... eevryone doin that kinda now... good thing about trialsking... they mixed things up... made the best of the street where people mostly ride.. instead of just lookin at one wall and think... oh i can sidehop that or backwheel it... they weere lookin at other lines to spice things up... love that... f**k all the uci shit... but thats probs cuz i like oldschool ridin, and i was around in them times and loved it... but now.... ergh! its depressin lol! and dont belive people f**kin bitchin about danny sayin he not on form.. cuz f**k me!! when u herd he had a video out u wanted it!!! i pulled a sicky to spend 4 hours downloadin a video cuz i wanted it that bad!! it was so differnt and was so good... everyone knew about it and discussed it for months after... now when a vid comes out.. im not to botherd, i know they goin to be the same as others, gap gap gap.... sidehop sidehop sidehop.... backwheel backwheel backwheel...!!!!!!!! gets abit boring! bring back the good days!! plus, danny back in the day ridin some tank of a bike if u look at the bikes now... Tim steadman.... another legend... look at his bike!! i used to see him everyweek back in the day ridin brum... and his bike! f**k me... hard gear, short handlebars, short frame.. and he rode it like a champ! no one would look twice at that bike now... lol i wanna see more of that ridin... more inspired riddin instead of sidehoppin all the time! o well.... as for mart... legend aswell.... he did his bit back in the day.. and still does now... he done all that.. he knows what his on about... comps are borin to me.. my opionion.. Bringin out vids for people to watch... still love watchin bi-king and that! lol.... brilliant video... Trials is fun when ur with the right people.... shame there is so mch bitchin now adays... alot of wankers ride in my opinion... stuck up twats.. im not havin a go, but its moslty the young ones that are twonks... think they know it all... when they have no idea! so many people i respect in trials for bein different... im babblin on now.. but from what ive read... joe, no disrespect... but u sound like a cock.... ive read stuff u have put, its people like u trials dont need... bitch haha... i probs aint made to much sence cuz im tired.. but there u go... bitch away!!!
  2. pashleys are nice Here my MHZ
  3. lame isnt the word! i wantedd to see huge stuff!! o well!
  4. LMFAO 2 out of 3 danny! you know that f**kin lies!!!!!!
  5. i wanna see some filfty hooks and ting!!!! not hoppin on a 2ft bench lol!
  6. ill come, ill be on a bmx though haha
  7. Can someone put the one of James Porter Up, The glasseye trials one i think it is, the one with him on his curtis!!!! Please, mint vid!
  8. i have had the pversize stem for a while now, seems ok man! real nice
  9. Right, well, if the dude wants to make a site for himself, thats cool man. People may or may not visit it, but i wouldnt say its pointless, if it was pointless he wouldnt of made it, it obvisly means somethin to him, so he can look at it and show his mates etc what he does on a bike. But thats cool haha! Im not bein nasty towards si, cuz everyone is entitled to there opinion, but everyone has to start somewhere! And too this, i dunno what to say, but ur actin like a complete cock imo. Like, not everyone knows how to do website etc. And for his first one man, give him some credit. Its pisses me off the fact u slag him off for his errors but u dont actually give him helpful imformation to get them sorted. Also, i thought u represent a company called FrontalMedia, if so, i would never use your company for anythin if you have this kind of attitude towards people. You may think u are a great website designer etc, but no need to be cocky and start slaggin peoples sites off, expecially when u just slag them off and not help out. Sorry but i just wanted to say that. Anyway, Back to the site. I think its a good site for your first one mate. You gotta love the pink! haha! and that bird is hot, whats her number lol! Ben
  10. Sites ok, not sure about the look of it, just looks like its been made in frontpage or somethin, but thats my opinion. i like sites that are differnt from others haha. nice job on codin though who ever did it, im never good at that shizzle.
  11. Its been in my shed for ages! decided to build it up! and man, its so much fun! well better than my other bikes! its mega! Hehe, just thought i would share it with u guys
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