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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/lynne.winfield/ Aww yea!
  2. Time to get the VHS recorder out! Video..?
  3. Everyone recommends HIC, I try them every year and they've never once given me a quote anywhere near reasonable Try Brentacre, Adrian Flux, Elephant (and put 3 experienced drivers on the quote) & Churchill, in that order
  4. Needs the drink picture in the first post to be honest.
  5. Edition38 forum is the place to ask, I pay little attention on such matters though sorry
  6. Usually on the back (engine side) of the pulley and level with the top of the head/rocker cover on the small blocks. You aught to buy some kind of manual if you're doing big(er) jobs rather than relying on a Trials forum And I'm with Jardo, use the VW or the car thread..!
  7. You're on bad terms with an old mate... You're spending time with his girl, that you like... Do you wonder why he was txting/phoning so much, put yourself in his shoes would you not be everso suspicious? I think you might be the one who deserves a slap.
  8. I knew this anyway, and we havn't been going out properly for 2 years... But still.
  9. The love of my life has just had a baby! It's not mine.
  10. Bikes have always just been things... But my Golf is a boy. I fear the Mondeo is a girl though, it's been going so well between us and now we're going on a nice holiday to France it could f*ck me over when it will hurt the most...
  11. I never got a pic of my first trials bike before it got stolen it was a Saracen X-Ile anyway..
  12. Jolfa


    It was hardly worth going to when it was a 2 minute drive up the hill and I had free tickets, so I won't be going out of my way to go this year!
  13. Without starting anything back up, I went from a fresh piercing to 4mm in about a month, then straight up to 8 within a month of that, then to 12, 14, then 16 all well within 6months... Hole + big knitting needle, none of this inbetween do it over the space of a lifetime nonsense
  14. What other reason could you have for any piercing?
  15. Jolfa

    Proper Pissed Off

    How am I meant to help, you broke your brake, deal with it
  16. I have now seen one guy one jar... Blimey. But yes back on topic, I have 16mm tunnels and an extra 8mm next to the one in the left, and my labret pierced
  17. The start of one guy one screwdriver is a guy sitting on the fat end of a jar.. I've heard he's also done one where the jar breaks and he picks the pieces out? Not seen that one...
  18. Oh nono, much worse than that, kids in a sandbox (never knew it was called that) is pretty tame compared. ...Though that may be because I saw it many years ago and have got over it
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