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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Do you just want to slam it, or actually improve the handling?
  2. Good! Until you realise you're not getting any and there suddenly seems to be a massive fanny drought... Always seems to be the way
  3. Jolfa

    Good Bmx ?

    Buy 2nd hand, you'll get much more for your money...
  4. Pass Plus is a load of bollocks, the only companies that offer any kind of decent discount for it, are the ones that are rediculously expensive in the first place! Congratulations anyway
  5. So it does, I'll get my coat.
  6. Most Audi and VW stuff is interchangable, all the same thing!
  7. How about "stfu you attention seeking whore?" Why be nice about it?!
  8. It hurts as much as you expect having a needle rammed through your lip to hurt. Will be a bit sensitive for a couple of days but no biggedy.
  9. Manning up by being a bitch? You're doing it wrong!
  10. F*cking hell stop being such a little bitch, like that's going to sort anything out!
  11. Jolfa

    Making A Website

    If I havn't sorted something by then, yea that'd be ace!
  12. Jolfa

    Making A Website

    Muel, you over estimate my wealth! I am poor!
  13. Jolfa

    Making A Website

    JD brilliant I'll be in touch! Bronz, no offence taken I'm completely clueless your website went staight over my head though, I just see 'word word word word word' :$
  14. Jolfa

    Making A Website

    It doesn't have to be anything special, just "here's what I do, here's some pictures, here's how to contact me", will have a look at your link
  15. As title, I need to make a website, I have a domain name and somewhere to host it, now how the hell do I make a website?! I don't want to pay money for programs, and I need it in very, very simple terms I have no idea! Ta!
  16. Nice, but very repetitive & boring, and could at least have been put in the video section. Jardo will escort you to your taxi, please take your fail with you.
  17. I'll take payment now if that's ok?
  18. Asif you're bothered about age when she's old enough and it sounds so perfect!
  19. Jolfa


  20. Jolfa


    As above, I know plenty of people that did this for the first year or 2, the reason I didn't is because you don't earn no claims so it was worth the extra cost in the long run
  21. Jolfa


    ^ As above, I've had both my sisters and my mum on my insurance for the last 4 or 5 years, I could count the amount of times any of them have driven any of my cars in that time on one hand
  22. Jolfa


    Most people just want cheap insurance, not an amazing hassle free company so they can cancel it and start again with a new car every week... And pass plus is still a con for the above reason.
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