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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. I don't know what I'm getting yet, I get everything for my birthday so I'm always stuck for ideas a month later I have got some nice new DC's though, they're abit snazzy!
  2. And you're not even looking forward to nicer food and presents? Not even a little bit? Do one!
  3. Hoorayyyyy merry christmas! [MSN party blower man smilie here] Bollocks you miserable b*****d, cheer up!
  4. Jolfa


    If only everyone had a proper car! Youtube Video -> Original Video
  5. 38 wpm, it'd be nice if this keyboard actually typed what I told it to and not miss out letters every other word
  6. Jolfa


    Started blazing (properly) in 2003, panic attack mate was 2004/5, schitzo mate was start of 2008, my panic attacks were end of 2008. We weren't smoking anywhere near that much after 2005, up to an 8th a week rather than every night. Not sure about the whole 'gateway drug' thing, the same could be said of cigarettes - most who toke tried smoking fags looonnnng before weed, and I'm quite sure many people would try other drugs without weed, it just so happens that bud is the most readily available drug and almost everyone tries it at some point (usually relatively young)!
  7. Jolfa


    Don't worry, you'll grow out of it and stop giving a shit if it's illegal or not. As for it making you loopy, of the group of 4 of us who used to blaze an 8th a night - 1 had a severe panic attack, thought he was going to die and never touched it again, one got sectioned with paranoid schitzophrenia and was in a seriously bad way for about a year (he's never really been right since), I started to have panic attacks and got really introverted and it was just unpleasant so I dramatically cut right down to practically nothing and just enjoy it as a treat sometimes, and the other is in a band touring the world!
  8. Jolfa

    Quick Rant

    Particularly relevant this time of year. Great thread, well done
  9. If she's your cousin or something, please give me her number!
  10. In the interests of saving the kind of thread everyone replies to but nobody actually reads (aka a shit thread) pictures speak 1000 words Quinne Suicide - it's worth a Google image search ^ Less the tattoos (never liked tats on girls) and maybe a touch shorter, tall girls are all wrong! Keep it <5'5 Oh also, Penelope Cruz' accent
  11. Jolfa

    2010 Death Game!

    I'd really like Russell Brand to suffer a slow painful untimely death but in the interests of actually winning a game I'll go with Terry Wogan - heart attack.
  12. Probably aids or something then I guess.
  13. Great story lolzzzzzz! Ah but it soon feels good when loads of treasure starts turning up on your doorstep
  14. I knew 13hours sleep yesterday was a less-than-great idea!
  15. Jolfa

    Bike Vs Car

    I was going to say that too... And I wouldn't fancy going for the land speed on 2 wheels.
  16. Jolfa

    Bike Vs Car

    At the traffic light grand prix, bike will almost always win. Obviously it depends on the car and the bike but generally speaking, bike wins. However I dont have to dress head to toe in tight leather and sit outside in my car
  17. Jolfa

    Modified Cars

    Will do - hahahahahahaha! I was driving a MK2 Golf 16v (fastest car in the world) at 18 And the insurance was probably less than you pay on the Micra...
  18. Sounds like you're being the arse because you're bored...
  19. If I go to sleep before 3-4am, I wake up a couple of hours later, my body treats it as a nap if I try to sleep at a reasonable hour it does my head in... Today I went to sleep at 2am and was wide awake again at 4:30 Infact I think this is 3rd day in a row now, absolutely knackered at around 1-2 to the point I'm nodding off at the computer, so go to bed and wake up between 4-6. Then I feel tired all day, and have a nap at some point in the day for an hour or 2. 2 naps a day isn't enough! I feel constantly tired!
  20. I only ever look in chit-chat on here, and then only usually the car thread and girl thread, I spend my days doing laps - Facebook > ClubGTI > Edition38 (where I am now banned again ) > Trials Forum > repeat... Usually in that order
  21. Guys, guys, guys, calm down it's ok, she started it!
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