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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. And this is exactly why young lads have to pay so much for insurance, you nobber! Glad nobody was hurt etc etc...
  2. Not got a firewall blocking the cam have you? Have to switch mine off to allow the cam to work...
  3. I've got my dads old plate RFP 663B, only the RF part means anything (our initials) the rest is crap, but he'd had it forever and I've always wanted it There's one I intend to buy too but can't justify £250 atm... Best I've seen would be P111 KSC (Pink SC) on a pink Smart Car and L09DED (loaded) on some proper chav as f*ck Bentley, the guy looks like such a bell!
  4. Jolfa

    Car Audio

    I wouldn't bother with a headunit that actually controls the iPod, as said above they're a pain in the arse to select music on, you have to eject to pick it on your iPod then plug it back in, load of rubbish. I've now got a 90's Mini Disc player and I'm using the aux port to headphone jack to use my iPod as I would with headphones. Before this I've just been running an amp in the glovebox with a sub and 4 speakers going straight to a headphone jack with an extra fog light switch on the dash to switch the amp on, completely headunitless, the ultimate stealth install
  5. Tune! This thread is making me feel incredibly old, I remember when most of these came out
  6. Snap. But other than gingers and people who've been posted already
  7. In which case you (or whoever sent it) could have got your money back...
  8. 10 points for observation.
  9. Not aimed at anyone specifically, just the first handful of replies were "You're an idiot, you're probably going to crash and die, and take someone else out with you. I hope it hurts like hell you b*stard"
  10. Check out everyone getting on their high horse, like all you drivers have never got in a car you knew wasn't quite right Anyway, my experiences getting pulled are generally bad ones. Mainly because it used to happen almost every time I ever went out in my MK2, and mostly because it's usually complete arseholes who pull me and spend half an hour searching my car and asking me rediculous questions like "why are your windows steamed up?" "because it's cold and I've only just got in my freezing cold car, you remember? You just watched me get in it and start it right before you followed me for 2 miles...". That is if I even got as far as getting in the car, I got stopped just walking towards it once when they made me prove i had the keys, that they fit the door, then the ignition, then made me start the engine, then checked the cars details, then checked my details, then gave me some bullshit excuse for pissing me around and followed me most of the way home Which isn't as good as the pair of dicks that did follow me all the way home, and when I stopped outside my house they come over and hit me with "why weren't you wearing a seatbelt?" ...I was, I'd just that second taken it off to get out of the car but they wouldn't have it But my all time favorite was the one who pulled me over because of my old German plates (which was fair enough) then after 10 minutes sat in the back of his car while he wrote a ticket out, came out with Police: also your rear wheels stick out past the arch which is an offence but I'll let you off with that Me: what do you mean let me off? They don't stick out past the arch at all? P: yes they do M: no.... They don't, I made sure they didn't when I fitted them... P: come with me then *Police man walks over to car, produces a pen from pocket, kneels down, hold pen to arch and wheel* P: there you go. M: there I go what? The pen is perfectly level? P: well other police might not be so kind M: P: anyway get those plates changed! And off he went, bellend! No police have ever looked twice driving the Mondeo or my Audi
  11. Do you feel there should be opptunities for young filmakers to be able to showcase their work on television? Don't Channel 4 run a season of this occasionally? I think if young filmakers were good enough and wanted it enough they could easily get their work on TV, you can't expect the TV to come and find you...
  12. Jolfa

    Download 2010

    It's not for another 5 months anyway, are you seriously that excited?! It's so, so bad, you have to literally pay me to go - last year we made £40 collecting cups and got a whole new outfit each, after blagging our way in in the first place
  13. Or the service book usually, if you have it.
  14. Locate paint code > look up code to find colour.
  15. Jolfa

    Download 2010

    I go every year, but only because it's free! Even then we only end up going 2 days, 3 at most. f**k paying for it, it's shit!
  16. How about a nice mug to remind her how much of one you are?
  17. Jolfa


    I know a girl in this situation, this could have been easily prevented if she used her f**king brain for once.
  18. Regardless of whether I'm a rider or not, I just don't think there's much of a game to be made from trials - it's not like BMX or skateboarding where its fast paced & flowing, it's very stop>trick>land>repeat. Even if they made it all flowing and nice, then it would just become a BMX game without grinds...
  19. Nobody else think a trials game would be a bit... Shit? + for the amount of people into trials compared to other sports it just wouldn't sell.
  20. Jolfa


    Why you'd ever want to listen to that more than once is beyond me
  21. To perhaps labour the point of it not being a race: as a first timer I was keeping up with and overtaking far superior cars like BMW's and Porsches, but lesser cars with far better drivers were flying past me, you just drive however you feel comfortable And although you're not meant to and are ill advised to time laps, I was delighted to get sub 10-minutes
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