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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. My mate is in some advertising competition at uni, and he basically needs votes on his video (and there may be a holiday in it for me if he wins!) If you could go here search for "tstephensxo" in the bar under 'vote for these videos' and give the video it comes back with a thumbs up, I'd be very grateful! Cheers boys and girls!
  2. Yeah probably is Damon, he is the only person in the country with the surname Watson afterall.
  3. Where do you think cocaine comes from..? Not that I condone it, I can't stand coke heads, they break me!
  4. Just go for it, what have you got to lose?! Would your friends actually f*ck you off if you were seeing the wrong girl?
  5. Who's being the dick? Take a hint and drop it! Would you wanna go out with someone who sounds so desperately needy and kept asking you and asking you then asking you some more when you don't answer? You sound like a 12 year old... It's easier for her to say nothing than "LEAVE ME ALONE FOR F*CKS SAKE YOU CLINGY LITTLE GIMP" and probably a lot kinder too
  6. Jolfa

    Feeling Lazy!

    But you've still gotta wash the pan, what's wrong with the tin? Amateur.
  7. Jolfa


    I borrowed this off some lad back in the day, I never gave it back, I still have it now Occasionally watch Tricks & Stunts (1+2), Evolve, Contact, Chainspotting, all classics
  8. Could at least spell tomorrow right if you're going to start calling people illiterate f**ckwits
  9. Jolfa

    Car Vs Money

    You started a thread asking if it was a good idea? But really, pissing £2k away into a £500 car is the stupidest idea I've heard in a while, you could get a new straight shell for a fraction of that, or £2k's worth of something mightier than a 'rocco! Whether the replies in this thread are arseholeish or not, not one person in 2 pages has said it's even a slightly good idea, including a handful of old VW lovers. Surely that's gotta count for something..? Why ask for an opinion then completely ignore it? Anyway, sort the bigger dents and crap out and i'll flock the whole car for a quarter of the cost of a respray
  10. Sounds like you've done all you can, you can't really change her luck and everything else that's going on! I've given my woman a cold and tonsilitis in the space of a week, she's not best pleased with me
  11. Jolfa

    Car Vs Money

    Spending 2k on a £300( ?) car?! Bitch what are you, retarded? Go on Pistonheads and look at the cars you could buy for 2k, then have a think about it
  12. I know they're not sore, but it's alot more painful than nothing at all Even you don't like them!
  13. Because it's unnecessary pain and it looks gash?
  14. Because all they're doing is sticking a needle through you? I'll do it for you for £10
  15. Are you gay?! If you really don't like her, you've gotta tell her to do one in no uncertain terms. Girls do not take hints if they are into you. Could always use this to your advantage though, she'll do unspeakably filthy things to keep you happy if she wants you that bad
  16. Too late to tell me I'm right I'm not talking to you until you apologise for the next 6 weeks and generally be a complete pussy around me, hmmph She's just turned 5, not like I fancy a toddler or anything, christ.
  17. Ah I've got the opposite problem, I'm seeing someone and proper want my ex (who is all over me (metaphorically) all of a sudden) but the girl I'm seeing is sound, and my ex is the biggest nobhead you're ever likely to encounter...
  18. You're being a fanny doing what you're doing! You're being super sensitive and apologetic for something she's clearly not that bothered about and you keep bringing it back up! She wants to go out, you want to stay in and talk over it one to one, kiss and make up and generally be a complete pussy. Just let it go! This is much more of an issue for you than it is for her by the sound of things!
  19. Dan, man up ffs this is typical small issue blown wayyyy out of proportion by mardy girl, stop kissing her ass over it and she might forget about it! Try being besotted with someone you could have but really, really, really shouldn't..! Will power
  20. When I crashed, I loaded all the bits of trim that came off into the car, pushed the windscreen back in as best I could and drove to my mates as quick as I could with the most bent underside you've ever seen with the crippled driveshaft smacking the body every revolution F*ck claiming, it's not worth it!
  21. Of course everyone speeds from time to time, but there's a difference between speeding and going fast/hard enough to roll a car! Granted I have crashed, and it was my fault, but it wasn't through lack of experience and I didn't flip the car over! Don't drive beyond your ability, and don't even try with others in the car with you! And then even if you do manage to roll your car, you don't then tell your insurance about it if you can move it quick enough, genius!
  22. Though unfortunately I'll bet for every 1 girl that rolls a car, 10 lads do whilst thinking they're some kind of superhero race driver, showing off. I was wondering this too...
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