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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Trying too hard! Needy is not an attractive quality! "I didn't text back because you told me your intentions and then wouldn't leave me the f*ck alone" At least she was nice about it
  2. So you've been trying to get on the right side of this girl, with a view to bagging her as a girlfriend? And you told her this straight up? I think that might be your problem "I started talking to you because I really, really want a girlfriend and I like you LOADS" (or words to that effect)? Number one thing to say, to scare someone off? That and the fact you're texting her twice as much (and then some) as she's texting you, even if you didn't tell her how desperate you are, it's pretty obvious from how much you're harassing her! Gonna have to play it a hell of a lot cooler than that if you're hoping to get anywhere with any girl, ever!
  3. I think 9/10 tattoos look shite. Different strokes for different folks.
  4. So basically you want to play a game that you can't win, with someone with the same mentality and then never get with them..? Why don't you have a change of tactic and go for something different, it might actually work out...
  5. To be fair to the 'kids these days', not everyone goes out with the intention of completely f*cking their earlobes to the extremes you've been to, some of us have a little foresight. If you didn't realise stretching your ears as big as possible, as fast as possible was going to cause you problems then quite frankly, you're an idiot Stretched mine up when I was 18 or 19, finally settled at 18mm (which I know won't heal but it's not going to leave me with disaster lobes like yours) and I'm still perfectly happy with them at 25 I have a mate who did the same as you but actually had his snap at the bottom, not sure what he's done about it... Similarly I've heard of people have them snap and just get the 2 dangly bits pierced
  6. Did you have the head skimmed when the gasket was done...? If not then you may aswell not have bothered changing it. Was the coolant flushed and oil changed after the first time? Could be the same old crap recirculating? How quick does the coolant drop? If it's at any kind of rapid rate then it should be pretty obvious if it's leaking from somewhere... Go and get a sniffer test or compression test done if you want it confirming but it doesn't sound good for your head gasket again!
  7. Jolfa


    I use it to keep up to date with current affairs and mates that I can't see that often anymore, my profile picture is always the worst I can find, I don't give a shit how many cool points I have and tend to ignore/delete the people who do. Also with the click of a button I can get off on some p3ng girls photos.
  8. There you go, boss. Good luck
  9. Click me It's pretty well documented, something that actually scares me a bit See also: night terrors.
  10. Jolfa

    Bmx Hub

    Asking for advice on a BMX hub in the chit chat section of a trials forum was kinda asking for some stick to be honest
  11. Jolfa

    Bmx Hub

    If you run over a drinks can just right, it will get stuck on your tyre and against your frame and sound just like a motorbike!!!
  12. Jolfa

    Raceline Maguras

    Serious question? They're not even a bit green
  13. You're 20, you proposed to a girl that has already pissed you around once, open your eyes and calm down tonto!
  14. I perhaps would've appreciated it more if it was a Bloc Party track I was familiar with, but even then it's a bit all over the place for me
  15. I'll be nearly 35, I'd like to think my business will be making enough money to keep me comfortable, with a house and kid(s). Honestly I have no idea, I don't have any kind of 'plan'...
  16. Jolfa

    Tattoo Advice

    Am I too late to take the piss? If so I'll wait for pics and review the situation.
  17. Ok she is in a relationship, the gentleman in question is not you and he is getting much mushywhack.
  18. Somebody else is giving her the hot meat injection.
  19. Friend zone! Not only will you get rejected, you'll lose a friend, don't do it!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yl3UMO-TkE Good one, bro.
  21. Jolfa

    Rider Or Bike

    Tbf the amount of little pikeys I see knocking around who can actually just jump on a modern trials bike and do basic backhops and things surprises me. I started out on a slightly modified regular mountain bike and average Joe couldn't ride it for shit, and it took me ages to learn anything new. Then I got a (now oldschool) trials frame and everything was 10x easier so I could learn faster and push further. So although yes it's obviously the rider that has the necessary skills, modern trials specific frames make life a shit load easier! I doubt there would be anywhere near the level of riding I see today without the huge leaps in trials technology... So 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
  22. You do realise that girls are just people right? Do you have to ask what to talk to your mates about? If you can't have an organic conversation then you've blown it before you've even started. Go and build a treehouse or something. So either do something about it (like tell her rather than crying on a bike forum), or get over it. No point beating yourself up about something you (probably) can't change. Even if you did get back with her, it'd never be the same now. Move on.
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