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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Is that because you didn't text her last night on Trials-forum's advice?
  2. This, completely! I'm not saying for a moment you're putting on a nice guy act (I'm a nice guy too for reference! ), you just need to realise when you're being too nice and it's of detriment to your situation! It sounds like you know this already... Needy, clingy, won't leave the f*ck alone-y, more like a whiny kid than a prospective partner, requires attention one is not willing to give... To whatever degree
  3. Oh goodness no, don't talk to her about it, you'll come across as a pussy. The reason she's into her ex is because he's such a nobhead - a 'dangerous' challenge, the nice guy (you) is exactly the opposite and as such is not appealing at all! I would go with give her loads and loads of positive attention, almost too much, and then back riiiight off and she'll soon miss it and start seeking it from you
  4. Better hope she's too stupid to find Trials-forum aswell then!
  5. In a nut shell: you're trying too hard with one girl. In doing so you've been ignoring other girls and so they want to know. Look at it the other way around, she's ignoring you and it's driving you crazy, ignore her and it'll drive her crazy*, simple *eventually. Time scale varies but results are guaranteed.
  6. Booooo, there's always one!
  7. No it isn't, the first day of Spring is the 21st... Hoping to get back to the Nurburgring this year anyway, but first I need to finish my car... Which should be done by Spring Aside from that, the usual sunny days exploring wooded areas, feel good t-shirt drives to anywhere at all, France again maybe, BBQ's, cider, the usual, can't wait
  8. Don't cry about it Ah I can't even be arsed
  9. Tried electric a couple of times, after a couple of uses I end up scrubbing away with it like a normal toothbrush. Makes no difference however I use it so I just stick to normal old 'whatever is cheapest but still looks pretty in Asda' tooth brushes
  10. Yes! Such as cat grooming itself, or dog assembling Ikea furniture
  11. I'll spare the unnecessarily graphic descriptions of sex I love the most. Otherwise as above Having huge well needed poo. Walking out of a bullshit job and leaving them in a as much shit as possible. Having the world to yourself, which I guess is why I prefer to be nocturnal. Also When it's hot enough to drive around in a t-shirt with the windows down and still be too hot. The balancing point of a wheelie. Songs so good they make all your hairs stand on end. The trance-like relaxed state I sometimes slip into, usually watching other people/animals do average tasks or running a bath (not being in it, just running it ). Being behind the wheel of a fast car/knowing you're the fastest thing around/the buzz after you've proved it. I'll think of more
  12. I know the feeling Though admittedly it took me far too long to tell her to do one, and it nearly killed my current relationship
  13. Perhaps you're a bit too eager and have just lost at her version of your game
  14. Jolfa

    Car Badges

    Got about £5 worth of badges there! What are you going to spend it on?
  15. My girlfriend used to live in a house share in a fairly shabby old (but pretty big) house, says she saw the ghost of a dog there with her once. I forget the finer details of the story but it was a dog anyway. Totally agree with you though, the more you think about it and let your mind wander the more likely something dodgy is to happen. Not sure if I believe in it or not but I'd be the first to shit a brick and leg it if I did see something
  16. Totally blame my imagination, but tidying and locking up the old pub I used to work at, I'd often hear the sound of a pint glass being put down on the bar (2 bars, can only see 1 at a time), even though it was completely empty... Simple answer as I had to lock up by myself most nights, to stop me freaking myself out - put the TV on dead loud
  17. I've got 6 points on a scheme I didn't even know existed! Yay!
  18. Jolfa

    Cnced Dominoes

    Actually really cool. Not something I'd ever buy, but I like them
  19. That's exactly where you're going wrong! Same problem again - too easy! All you're good for is an emotional punchbag when the unobtainable guy f*cks her off, and nothing more! It doesn't matter how much she messes you around because she already knows she could have you if she just clicks her fingers.
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