Ex kissed someone at a party (she never told me who but had my suspicions), I let it go, then she kissed my best mate, then it came out that she'd kissed the same mate before at the start of the relationship.
Then we broke up but were still seeing each other (so not really broken up at the time) and another mate started trying to get a slice, told him to pack it in, he carried on, ended up hitting him.
She was a nob.
Though tbf to mate #1 she was his ex first (I didn't know this when we got together) so it was kind of a strange situation in the first place and I couldn't stay mad at him.
I'm still mates with both of the above mates but finally realised I was wasting my time getting shit on time and time again by the ex especially since I nearly f*cked my current relationship up craving her and telling trials-forum all about it
Current girlfriend is 100x better, glad she gave me the chance