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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Best course of action to OP is to go in and politely ask, failing that try asking a little more aggressively, failing that cry and beg. Usually works but they only go for it so many times The way Barclays dealt with the law change on overdrawn fees, is to stop calling them overdrawn fees and change it to "reserve charge", so if I ever go £1 over my overdraft, it automatically costs £22.
  2. E38, CGTI and Classic Audi are my usual haunts, but I'm also a member of Lancer Register, ClioSport, RetroRides, 106owners, Pistonheads, Mondeo Enthusiasts Group, Passionford, Renault Turbo OC, Driftworks, Morris Minor OC, Audi Sport, Talk Audio, S2 Forum and a few others I've no doubt forgotten. The places you end up looking for business eh
  3. For the right side of £3k you get full luxury, maximum practicality and either a 4.2 V8 or a 2.2 20vt with endless tuning potential and 6 gears straight out of the box, that's what I want out of it! And given that it looks like is a full on family wagon, it's quite the sleeper too
  4. I did take a moment to consider this, and left wins, right is just too muscley
  5. If Carlsberg made bikes, they'd probably be the best bikes in the world.
  6. I would swap my trials ability for flatland BMXing or breakdancing, I'd keep my ability with all things cars exactly how it is, and I'd put all the bits and bobs of other things I'm capable of but not great at collectively into either guitar or drums
  7. Now try to imagine the same system on your typical 1.6-2.0 4 cylinder
  8. Good idea, and I could see a lot of kids wanting them, but I wouldn't ever fit one personally. It sounds like the kind of joke product you find on ebay (electic superchargers, that kind of thing), no offense intended. Infact I did see the idea used on one of those absolute disaster build threads that come up occasionally, guy put an extra throttle in his downpipe to achieve the same effect and he was a laughing stock as a result.
  9. Why would it be false? I'm pretty sure that if I did any kind of proper exercise, I'd be 10x better off than doing none at all, smoker or not!
  10. What you were saying pre-edit wasn't at all what I was getting at either
  11. Why on earth would you not do something about it?! I don't think you get this at all Saying "if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you" is not doing something about it - telling a woman "meh ok" rather than "no darling, please tell me what the matter is" if she was doing the same, is doing something about it. And by pussy, I mean the guy who will bend over backwards, put his life on hold, f*ck his mates off and do as he's told to please a woman. I have a mate like this, his relationships last 2 years usually until he realises that by doing all of the above he has a girl who doesn't respect him one bit and a bunch of 'mates' that are now total strangers because he never had any time for them...
  12. Because voicing a whiney opinion about how you don't like something rather than just doing something to change it, is just another way of expressing that you're a whiny bitch. In this instance it was the straw that broke the camels back. I'm sure there are bags of women who like their men to be pussies, but not one of them respects them.
  13. So to summarise the last few lengthy replies, what you've done is given up any 'control' you had left by talking about it and now you're now getting dumped. What you should have done - She sounds like a bellend anyway, you forgave her for cheating, it definitely would have happened again, because she knows she can get away with it. [shortened slightly, was a bit too harsh] I think the main point to note from this story (once again) is that no girl in the world likes respects a total pussy, which you can absolutely do something about!
  14. No, I think you missed the point - don't discuss the matter and make it even more of an issue, and instead stop being such a pussy and don't rise to it. Try less hard.
  15. You are trying too hard, she knows you will try hard even if she's being a bitch, try less hard. For christ's sake, don't talk to her about it! Way to give up any 'control' you may have left! Try less hard.
  16. Well I know what I'm doing next time we have a quiet week, we've got a mini moto that's ready for the tip aswell
  17. Try less hard, if you're kissing ass and being super nice guy because she's being a nob then she's only going to play up to it more. This thread could really just be one post long - women don't like tryhard, kiss ass, push over, clingy, needy, pussies, nor do they like aggressive, cheating, possessive, suspicious, boring, no-hopers. Take a step back, establish which of the above you are and do something about it, problem solved*. *Time period for results* may vary. *Result not guaranteed.
  18. I think that's her just being polite. I typed out a load of advice but in a nutshell, you just need to man up, women don't like pussies
  19. Getting with a girl Step one - establish that there is some mutual interest Step two - be really excessively full on with her Step three - when she decides you're a bit too goddamn clingy go with the "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME, I LIKE YOU" tactic Step four - keep going with step three until she just plain ignores you. Some seriously good technique you've got there, champ
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