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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. If it is, then insurance companies are waaaayyyyyy ahead of you since the 3 aforementioned drivers insurance went up around the start of the year with no change to circumstances!
  2. Would appear this happened some time ago, both my sisters and my mum are now paying as much or more than me, and my car is by far the juiciest
  3. I think the 10mins of gathering heat solved the traction issue, WD40 is just a water dispersant to get rid of any moisture, WD, the clue's in the title
  4. You know I can stick my car through the car wash, £1.50 and 2 minutes later it's shiny at the other end and I don't have to f**k about
  5. Yeah, it'd just look utter shit, and it's all about the image
  6. Just to make it completely one of a kind, the front blue bit that's now black is flocked, as is the old CNC Magura booster (which also has the triangles cut out) Shame I have lost any skill I ever had and it rode like a dog on the test ride
  7. I think he's probably talking about the foot of road you've left between your car and the gutter to be honest.
  8. Jolfa

    Brisa B26D

    Mate had one of these, almost identical spec but had the Brisa bar and stem to go with it. Never did like how it rode but they do look lovely
  9. Nigh on impossible! So I just tensioned all the spokes and brute forced it straight
  10. Flower, not snowflake Took me 3 attempts and some hours to build it right
  11. Bought some new shinies for it, it's changed a bit - Still need to put my other shorter stem on, this one is too long still!
  12. I had a MK2 Polo once, it had an oil leak and a problem with the brake servo but was otherwise very very tidy indeed and had tax and mot, for this I paid £50. I wouldn't even consider half your budget for a Polo!
  13. They always look amazing and always have done, but they're horrible, horrible bikes to ride!
  14. Welcome to the internet
  15. your self. what ever misstary finely once and a life time Bravo, A*
  16. I am the assistant manager of a sports bar. I hate sport. And people.
  17. My pile of VW bits is shrinking
  18. The drawing, as intricate as it may be, may not be quite to scale. Moving the caliper down and angling the adaptor slightly to compensate for rotation as you say, would solve the problem. I'd take a picture of this with the caliper on the forks where it would need to be mounted to make up the difference, but I cannot be arsed But as you can see, nothing about this idea is absurd in the slightest.
  19. Here we go, very technical drawing Red is the adaptor, blue is where it bolts to forks, green is where caliper bolts to adaptor, pink is the brake.
  20. Fugly maybe, but it'd barely be stepped off the forks so wouldn't suffer any huge amounts of additional stress
  21. I just bought another complete brake with a #5 caliper, the one I got with a #3 can go on my Norco I'm still inclined to make an adaptor just to prove how completely doable and not at all rocket science it is!
  22. I'm free, and local, buuuut 1) I don't think it'd be very good & 2) It'll only make me want a MK2 again if the turnout is good
  23. Waaayyyyy too modern, will shop for a new caliper and make an adaptor in the mean time
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