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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. They were horrific bikes even back in the day, I was so gutted when I got mine, it looked great but it was like riding a tandem it was so long!
  2. I got 56, were there brackets though the sum would not be the same sum, which it would seem I'm wrong about, and it's the same sum either way, you're supposed to just imagine the brackets...
  3. Oh no, it knocks, it really knocks believe me, I fixed 4 for 3 different people one week
  4. Rear wishbone bolt, the one that bolts into the floor, see if you can tighten it or if it just spins, very common, bit of a pain in the dick to sort. You might wanna sort that camber out too, it only takes 10 mins!
  5. They normally sit proud by anything up to an inch, that isn't your problem
  6. This was the happy medium car that I can share with the missus when we move to deepest darkest Cornwall that won't matter too much if it gets a bit beat up but will keep me happy. Lower it on some springs, put some ok wheels on it and make it a bit nicer to look at/be in and leave it at that methinks I think it may be time to give up on the Nato one, it's been at a garage for 9 months now and even he can't be arsed to sort it for money, think I'll keep the seats and the steering wheel and sell it on, as much as it pains me to do so since I spent what seemed like an eternity making it rot free! You see why I was like a kid at Christmas now though?
  7. This 285bhp S6 powered 80, excited isn't the word!!!
  8. Who knows, but I can't remember the last time I had my own car MOT'd, I always buy cars with one and run them into the ground, so they'd have to prove that the difference in milage was during my ownership
  9. Less miles = cheaper insurance..? In the case of Admiral/Elephant/Bell the insurance decreases (for me at least) by £1 for every 1000miles I take of my estimated annual milage Further to this, they've never once asked me what my cars milage is at the start of a policy, I've been doing <3000 miles per year, for years!
  10. Oh goodness, not again! They'll never believe you In car related news, I may be getting a new one today and it feels like xmas day, I was up super early and have been refreshing an eBay page ever since
  11. That might be the coolest car I've ever seen!
  12. There's a difference between winter tyres and snow tyres though... There'd be no point buying snow tyres but with 5-10 days MAX of warm weather a year we can more than justify winter tyres.
  13. It was an experiment that turned out brilliantly, but it was ultimately doomed. I would have kept it regardless but I had to get out of my unit at short notice and there was never going to be anywhere for it to live sadly
  14. Youtube "Jolfa" loads of vids of it
  15. Jardo, how do you make good cars so boring to read about? On the matter of wide wheels < snow, some old pics; At the Nurburgring Really, really miss that car
  16. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, it's full of hippys claiming au natuale is the only way to go. Crochet isn't something to do longterm, just get them looking 1000% better on day one! I backcombed mine to start them off, f*ck just palm rolling, it'll take you an eternity! My tips aren't round, I have paintbrush ends that I hate, that I've recently cut off in the hope they'll be a little more round, the missus' dreads were crocheted by a professional Anyway, less dreadlock hijack, more perving on young boys
  17. Again, not being a snob or trying to brag, mine weren't much better than yours at the beginning! Look into crochet hook technique; these are my girlfriends the day she had them done You don't want to use a crochet hook as an upkeep method though, just to get them started
  18. Not trying to be mean about them, mine looked shit to start with, I would just advise you spend a little more time getting them knotted in the first place... Where did you see me Davey, and when, and in which Audi, I've had loads
  19. For the first 210k it lived in an Audi 80, probable never went over 4k revs, the standard cams means it runs out of puff at about that, 1.8 cams transform the 2.0's Having said that all of my MK2 16v's had done well over 160k and still went well
  20. I'm not being a dread snob here, but they're barely even the beginning of dreads, they'll take about 2 years to lock up if you don't do a better job of them! Correct Outrageous hangover + holiday moustache And sporting my birthday/Movember moustache
  21. You go first, to prove you're not a paedophile, I'm scared.
  22. Whut? If you slowly let the clutch out in 3rd at 3.5k then I don't think there's a car out there that would fail to pull away, shagged clutch or not Infact that's pretty much the method I used to drive my old Vento around for a couple of months when all but 3rd and 4th gears disappeared and the clutch was absolutely fine... Also on the matter of milage, the front engine from my old silver Golf has done well over 220k, puts out 170BHP (compared to the standard 140) and is still running sub 14 second quarters
  23. I'm so gutted my quattro is out of order, and I just happen to be at home with it for one night only, and it's just so happened to snow :'(
  24. I think the way they sound might be the worst part, it's horrific.
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