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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. There's a tight gap between our place and the house opposite, big vans and the likes hit it all the time, but there's enough room to swing 2 cats when driving a car through it, and we've both driven through it a hundred times...
  2. So for all the stick and guilt tripping I got from the missus for not wanting to let her use my car to go to Glastonbury, she returned today so worried about telling me about someone reversing down the rear bumper (f***ing all the fresh paint on it) that she crashed into a f***ing house trashing a headlight, an indicator, a wing and the front f***ing bumper (amongst other things).
  3. I recently signed up for a new doctor and spent about half an hour umming and arring over whether to tick the donor box. In the end I just manned up and ticked it
  4. That's a pretty horrible picture, unlucky, Danny!
  5. Even if he posted it to the correct address, it's up to the seller to prove it. PayPal nearly always side with the buyer, which as an honest seller is so shit I can't begin to tell you. People are wankers.
  6. The Jacquard trim is common as muck, the Recaro version is rare as hens teeth!
  7. Bought some new seats The rest of the matching interior, black carpets and a good wash to follow
  8. You'd pay £2000 for that?! How drunk are you?
  9. An old boy left his wallet in my pub yesterday, no ID in it, and he was gone by the time it was handed in, about £150 in it. He phoned today to see if we'd found it, I'd put it somewhere safe (half hoping he'd never call to be honest) so I've just given it him back and he gave me £20 to say thanks Karma prizes yayyy
  10. Seen so many absolutely gutted VTec owners after a go on the rollers, it's hilarious, all noise no action
  11. What did I bodge it with? I can't remember, something tells me a pen? Check for unplugged vacuum hoses
  12. Did you find that bodged repair? Anyway, blast the carb out with carb cleaner and check for vac leaks while you're there. He had this problem before, I can't remember specifically what was wrong but I'm pretty sure the same suggestion cleared it (for a while at least!).
  13. Would never dream of having a wrap, they're so f*cking expensive and usually look shit if you look close!
  14. Well done, you've just ruined your steak. Blue/rare or don't bother!
  15. Remember when I told you the fuel line that runs through the floor got cut whilst fixing that wishbone... ...Yeah, compressor was probably a bad idea
  16. They most definitely don't, ever
  17. You're quite welcome, I might be a bit on the busy side though so it might just be a broken conversation over a bar as you're slurping your orangina through a curly straw.
  18. Ha 276mm with twin pot calipers (standard kit, the discs and pads are what I fitted there ) The proper part was referring to the amount of cylinders and driven wheels You used the "got any after pics" line last time, up your game. Yep, T-Cut, it does what it says on the tin! Not dust, actual splatters of made up cement, had to try really hard not to lose my shit with them, but they were work's builders and my bosses warned me I can't give a f**k about my car before I moved here for reasons such as that ...You should see the unmitigated disasters they drive, they're something else, even by my standards!
  19. In proper Audi news - New brakes Painted some things And washed it See attached - a list of f**ks given about Jardo's opinion of my cleaning methods and the end result Next I'm going to attack it with T-Cut to try and get rid of all the marks from mongs in Cornwall who like to exchange paint in car parks and builders who thought setting up a cement mixer 2 feet away from it was a good idea
  20. Ah, you need 200 posts for the classifieds, thought you might have already been a member
  21. Not disputing your valuation of it based on others for sale, but seeing MK2's for sale on Retro Rides always makes me laugh - pages and pages of cool as hell cars for sod all money, peppered with MK2's for relatively insane cash! E38 is where you wanna advertise that!
  22. The 2.8 V6 is such a dogshit engine
  23. That wasn't me! Did you find that knocking ever went away? Iirc that bodged bolt was a fraction too thin, it was either off an E36 M3 or my old Quattro Pop that in your description when you sell "M3/Quattto uprated parts fitted"
  24. Hahaha, I dont know how I didn't make the connection before, you will also find that fuel line you can see in the last pic, has been cut whilst the floor was being cut open. All I can say in defense of that mess, is that I was quite drunk, it was a (drunk) group effort that went on 'til about 2am and I just wanted the guy to leave me alone (I had to fix about a dozen things a day on that damn car, for a couple of weeks!) so it was done as quick as possible with no real thought put into the end product The reason it's had so many attempts at being cut open, is because I welded the original captive nut on, and then he managed to strip the threads out of it, so to get a grinder in to cut it back off, we had to create more room..! I hope he did something to sort those seat frames out too, they were cobbled together as a test fit, never intended as a permanent fixture ...I recall the suspension being a huge f*ck around too, I think the front lower suspension bolts on the passenger side are/were just piece of shit B&Q items (the originals snapped, that's what he picked up to replace them with) And as such I stand by it only being worth £2.30, there are more cut corners on that car than I can ever remember. I hope he fixed the more serious ones at least ...I'm sorry for your disaster of a car ...It is though, in my defense, in considerably better shape than how it started when he first started appearing at my unit! In brighter news, the wheels on it used to belong to the MK2 I bought off his mate - Which also turned out to be a bit of a ropey old dog despite it being near spotless! Last thing - one of the more amusing bodges (probably still there) the passenger side front indicator's (on yours) screws are fixed into little pieces of wood, or they may be zip tied by now, but in any case you can see in the pics I posted of it, that it was just held in by electrical tape wrapped around the bumper before that
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