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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Not she's sorry for being a slut, sorry that YOU'VE got a problem, nice I wouldn't have even text her that last one*, although it gave her one last chance to show you what a willy she is I guess, if proof were ever needed! *I probably would have, I'm like that.
  2. Halfords, you'll pay a million pounds buy they're open...
  3. Nope, that was pretty much the jist of it...
  4. That's a good attitude you've got there.
  5. Exactly this, I think everyone had roughtly the same relationship at roughly the same age It'll cripple you when you realise there was more to that conversation with the other guy, should probably get that out of your system too
  6. Going on a break and then making a situation where she didn't have to be the one to say it, is a cowards way of dumping someone (regardless of what she said). Going round saying she's the one who did do the dumping is her way of saving face. Hard to see when you're the one in the situation, but that's what happened. The break just gave her a weeks grace (no pun intended) to change her mind incase she felt breaking up was the wrong decision, the decision was already made though. Folk just don't like being bad cop.
  7. She did, that's what I (and everyone else) said in the first place!
  8. Love VTEC, there's nothing quite like the look of sheer devastation on a Civic owners face after a rolling road pull, and for this Honda, I thank you
  9. I don't mean to make it worse for you, but she did have control, she chose to go on a break, and then chose to kiss someone and told you, knowing full well how that would turn out. She essentially did dump you, but got you to be the bad guy and break it off. She orchestrated the whole thing start to finish (and everyone predicted it...), if that's not having control of it all, I don't know what is! As for ringing her dad, just don't bother, it's not worth bothering. She could have told him that you were sleeping around and beat her, who do you think he's going to believe? More to the point, do you think he'll give a f**k why his daughter broke up with anyone? I'm quite sure she's had and will have break ups again. Sorry to put it all so bluntly, but sometimes it's needed.
  10. I invented white chocolate Malteasers about 5 years before they came out, sons of bitches beat me to it
  11. As a VAG fan, I'd go for an Audi 80 Avant TDI, and run it on cooking oil, can pick 'em up for <£500. As someone looking for an estate workhorse that will do interstellar milage in ultimate comfort - MK2 Mondeo.
  12. Oh yeah, I once came out of a petrol station to a bunch of kids taking pics of my car because it was awesome
  13. Occasionally. Last time I drove back from Nottingham, there was a guy in some shitty Kia or something couldn't get enough, pulled up along side and was all nods and thumbs, so I gave it some boot then let him catch up and he was massively over excited Used to get it a lot in my Mondeo too, always from boy racers in Saxos and the likes that I'd just wooped at the traffic light grand prix, mainly to ask what the f**k was under the bonnet (2.5 V6)
  14. Mate picked up an older A3 20VT Quattro, with 6 gears and all the fancy shit you could ever want for £700 (and it's his first car, the shit!), so either one of them or an E46 Beemer for me in that price bracket
  15. I've got some great friends from my 'cruising' days, I'm guilty of being a willy back in the day. Twatting about in loud cars in public carparks is the behaviour of a willy,
  16. I like seeing photos of cars in real world places rather than perfect white studios, but McDonalds is not one of them... Put a bit of effort in, make it look pretty! Even retail parks have nicer angles to shoot from!
  17. And on another note, why do so few people consider the background of a photo? Argos, and SCS offering free carpet doesn't really lend itself to showing off a car.
  18. I used to be part of the N/A is the only way crew... Now I'm kinda seeking a bit of lag in exchange for more power whilst turbo shopping =P
  19. Welcome to VAG ownership
  20. She's even instructed you to that degree? Christ I'd make it a week and a day so she really knows, don't be replying at the stroke of midnight on the 7th day for gods sake
  21. Not this. She wants a break, have a break. She can't change her mind just like that and have it her way again. Regain some control, ignore.
  22. This, the whatsapp is her saying "jump" a reply would be "how high"...
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