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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Jolfa

    Retro Gaming

    That's that "BOOM" willy from Storage Hunters UK..
  2. Jolfa

    Retro Gaming

    Just to highlight, the game is called Alex Kidd, as in a person called Alex whose surname is Kidd, not a kid called Alex. Drives me nuts.
  3. That S2 is a fuuuucking lot of money for not a lot of car! That is essentially a 20k paint job... And the guy spells like a retard. Mine might be for sale for a fraction of that, and it's a considerably better spec
  4. Jolfa

    Retro Gaming

    It was 1 or 2, I forget which, I'll go with 1
  5. Jolfa

    Retro Gaming

    There was a bit of a glitch where you could get the first one, reset the game then just keep doing the first level and get them all. ...Still never did Game Genie f t w!
  6. Jolfa

    Retro Gaming

    Super Fantasy Zone on the Mega Drive - that shit is nigh on impossible, I've still never done it even cheating with save states
  7. Get back to me in 2 years and take a digit out of that price
  8. Think I'm going to have to sell the Audi, would really rather not. To ease the pain I'm already sizing up projects for a couple of years time when I'll be able to start again An RS2, mid engined version of that
  9. Managed to find a friendly guy at Kwik Fit to do all 4 of mine for a tenner before
  10. Average, shop around and offer beer tokens to someone rather than ask at the front desk
  11. This. Aside from my silver Golf and my current Audi, I've never paid more than £600 for a car, and none of them have caused me any real problems. Popped a gearbox and a headgasket, neither of which cost me more than £200 to fix. This also though tbf...
  12. Jolfa

    Retro Gaming

    Download SOR Remake (for PC obviously) it is incredible.
  13. Jolfa

    go pro thread?

    Just get a card reader for a quid off eBay...
  14. It shouldnt get heavier with age/wear?
  15. Are you sure its not the wiring rather than the WUR itself? Besides if its stuck on hot then all it will effect is startup... Soak the injectors in coke for a bit, might help, or just pick up some Golf ones for sod all, nobody wants them. And that air valve does nothing, never even had it connected on most my old Golfs, bunged up the hole with a wine cork That will be £1100 please
  16. Just take the keys with you, you spaz.
  17. The f**k is going to cost £1100 there?! Even if the queen did the labour?!
  18. Its an entirely different word, its not going to add an extra letter an make it a different word. I dont think a shortage of women is really his problem either
  19. had no end of trouble when I first fitted my RS2 turbo, with fancy washers, locking glue type products, serrated nuts etc, what finally cured it was Aerotight nuts, get them, never worry about it again
  20. Thought that was headed to a shitty ending, nice to see something positive in here On a semi related matter, the mrs and I are moving to Oz in March
  21. Spends a load of time and money on suspension and geometry trying to solve torque steer, drives around on mismatched dogshit tyres
  22. Are they not just horribly coked up like most valves usually are?
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