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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Since selling the Audi, the guy has text me nearly every day with a list of problems with the car, half of which I told him about, the other half are things that have broken since he bought it, think he's going to be going for a refund. Think he's not going to get one. From what I'm told, his mrs is seriously pissed off that he bought it in the first place, and that's even with him telling her that he paid £3500 less than he did!
  2. Just whack it back with a mallet...
  3. Go to settings > email and password, from there you can at least find out what email address you are using...
  4. Fit hockey pucks under all your engine mounts, job jobbed for £5
  5. Stock plugs were plenty up to the job with a 150bhp increase on the Audi.
  6. No, she wants it both ways, which ultimately leaves you spending half your life/wages feathering a nest for her to come back to (or not). Although I've no doubt that the reason she's been acting unusual is because she's tried to break up with you and bottled it.
  7. More the wanting to finish with you part, like when she ruined your track day to talk about corn flakes or whatever the f**k it was, there's no way on earth that was the intended conversation! That and she doesn't seem at all keen for this stable life you've created at home, I think you probably represent stability for her but she can't have it both ways...
  8. Audi's gone First time I haven't owned a car since I was 16, I feel naked
  9. So wound up was Trials-Forum about a brought/bought that the your/you're was overlooked....
  10. Don't you dare live your life when I've just spent so much on incredibly expensive shackles! You're only young once, Jardo, not everyone wants to just get to mid 20s and decide it's time to have a sensible job, a house, marriage, kids etc. There's a lot of world to see and parts of it literally have a time limit on to see them properly (age restricted visas). We know you don't see the point of travelling when you can get everything you'll ever need in Blighty but quite a lot of people would disagree with you. My best mate lost his mrs of 7 years over basically the same thing, you might want to re evaluate what you want out of a relationship because it doesn't sound like your ideas are going to match for another 10 years or more...
  11. I put my hoody on for 10 minutes this afternoon because the door was left ajar and let all the heat from the central heating and the wood burner out. I could have cried. I would have complained to the manager, but I am the manager.
  12. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201270384468?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Just in case anyone is interested, or knows anyone who might be
  13. And some kind of locking device for the non-hinged leg, f*ck ever getting under the first set!
  14. The Audi is sold, the cash is in my bank, the car is loaded up with a shedsworth of spares I've accumulated, I drop it round to him on Friday evening :'(
  15. It is mend! Although the keyboard is now completely dead, but I've been using a USB keyboard for months anyway as the G, H, ,, ' and backspace keys don't work on the actual built in one And yeah, tweezers did the trick Thankyou!
  16. I'm pretty wary of magnetic plugs now, mate had the magnet part come off his and rattle around his crank case, it was not pretty Although to the magnets credit it did pick up all the pieces of con rod that it smashed up
  17. So got it apart properly, said ribbon was disconnected, how in the f**k are you meant to put this back together, you'd need hands like kitten paws
  18. Put on an extra top and stop whinging.
  19. Urgh, looms and ecus Funnily enough it is an HP Pavilion G6, do you reckon dicky ribbon? I couldn't see anything wrong or dislodged, but then again I didn't manage to strip it down fully, something holding the keyboard on in the middle (assumed hidden screw behind a letter, now I've shagged the keyboard too ) I should leave computers alone...
  20. I've just shagged my laptop taking it to bits, f**k knows what I disturbed but now the power button does nothing. So, if I buy a laptop same brand, same age, same Windows, same everything and put my old hard drive from the broken laptop in it, will it just work and have all my old shit on it? Or is it a bit more complicated than that? Otherwise does this do what it says it should? Literally just use old hard drive as an external (just to get the shit off it at least)? Keep it simple, I am absolutely hopeless at computers! Thanks
  21. In case you accidentally send something worth 100th of the value?
  22. Had a few offers for this, lets get a lynch mob together and call round Clifton isn't a nice place, I wouldn't be surprised if I was greeted with a gun to be honest!
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