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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Plus the cost of return post, and something for your time, right?
  2. Keep some parts off it and send him back what's left
  3. Where did you bring them from?
  4. Worse than that, you told your ex your dead instead of you're dead, doesn't even make sense that her dead is to you!
  5. Did you make that in Movie Maker? Whatever you made it in you wanna make the frames 0.05s each, makes a much smoother (albeit silly short) video Not car related, sorry, that's 0.05 frames shot over about half an hour/40 mins with the camera fixed to an egg timer
  6. I found a pair of red Ti-Glides when I moved out last, bought them to go with the red Mavic 517's I have and forgot, was pretty pleased with that
  7. You'll be hard pushed to get a bare engine for under £800! The engine/drive train is 90% of the value of an S2..! Worth it though, brilliant engines
  8. As we're talking exhaust note - Worth a repost
  9. I'm afraid you're not allowed an opinion on car styling anymore.
  10. I'll PM you with any problems I have with it, just in case I offend anyone in the dedicated moaning thread
  11. No doubt JD will be over the moon to hear, having applied for about 3-400 jobs in 4 weeks, I've got as good as 5 job offers in 2 days Also pissed chatting to a German, an American, 2 Italians, 2 girls from Adelaide and a guy from Taiwan, this is more what I was after Oh and I move into a real house on Monday, can't f**king wait!
  12. Sure, hope that isn't too long!
  13. Jesus, that is terrible, any reason for it or just out of the blue?
  14. The proper plan is exactly the problem if you bothered to read. And I don't know why I didn't just think of getting on a flight, what a terrific idea! Unfortunately if you'd bothered to read again there are rules (in the finance department) about just jumping into a country when you're planning on being there for extended periods. We either get work/money here, where there is no work because of increasing amounts of rules against backpackers and move on, or we cut it short, admit defeat and head home. Do you think I'm sitting on an idyllic beach sipping cocktails all day while I whinge about it to the internet?! Because obviously once you're out of England you are by default, on holiday? Tell you what, if people bitching is not your thing then perhaps the angry thread and the politics threads aren't for you?! Tl;dr? Don't want to hear it? Don't f**king read it?!
  15. You know New Zealand is a different country, right? And that's where we're aiming to get away to...
  16. I know I wouldn't be struggling for work there this time of year, that's for sure!
  17. The annoying part is that we could have afforded to just hit the tourist spots and get out had we not had a longer term work plan and spent some substantial amount on staying in a sodding hostel while we looked. This is a pretty nice hostel to its credit, I'd just rather not be here because of everything I've said about being here.
  18. If you're ever planning on going anywhere for an extended period (months/years) save up enough money to just travel, do not rely on getting work because there is none, regardless of how qualified or experienced you are. I'm about done with Australia, I want out, but not until I've seen what I wanna see... And Ross, it was Valium, he was anxious about an interview the following day and wanted a good nights sleep, it wasn't even like he was doing it for a good time
  19. Pales into insignificance compared to yesterdays news, and everyone is still in bits over it... But yesterday a new guy moved into our room at the hostel, I'm not sure I've ever encountered B.O quite like it, it smells like he pissed his pants 3 weeks ago and slept outside near an open sewer in them ever since. I could forgive him arriving at half midnight and saying a big cheery hello to my sleeping girlfriend were it not for that. I can't f**king wait until Monday when I move out of this f**king place. Although I'm sure you'll all be most upset to hear the end of my bitching about it...
  20. A friend died last night in his sleep from an accidental overdose, he was 27, so f**king shitty.
  21. Yep, just establish the general area it's coming from, and rip the heat shield of that area!
  22. Just agreed to rent a real life room in an actual house, I can finally move out of this f**king hostel!
  23. Because he's been trying to meet him for years, it might be the best thing he ever did! It might be the worst of course but there's only one way to find out!
  24. Unless biological dad has done something evil to you/your family in the past, why wouldn't you find him? Especially since he's tried to find you, he clearly gives a shit. I'd be massively pissed off at my mum for keeping it quiet that he wanted to meet me in your shoes!
  25. Heat shield for sure. Wheel bearing noise is dictated by road speed not engine speed. And embarrassment is the main symptom of driving an Italian turd.
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