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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. I get about the same out of our 2.4 Hilux, gotta love 65p/litre
  2. Sounds like you've really found yourself on your travels
  3. That's the Estonian stripper...
  4. WD40, tends to fix most things without ruining them. Otherwise some kind of solvent cleaner
  5. If you're that worried just leave a terminal disconnected while you're not using it and leave it running while you fill it up...
  6. How do you get through life without a grinder? Go and spend £10 at Argos, best tenner you'll ever spend!
  7. Completely different in a Dann spot the difference kinda way?
  8. I have no idea what most of that meant
  9. I would but there's something new every few seconds, not often cameras but I'm looking for things in wrong categories with bad descriptions
  10. £250 for a 3+ Black with a few bits and bobs £225 for a 3 Black with some bits. Bits are usually things like selfie sticks, cases, mounts etc. Price is negotiable depending what you're after, nearly all 3/3+ blacks though, best bang for your buck
  11. I was a bit gutted I missed out on a steel version of the same bike, albeit in standard spec for £90 a couple of weeks ago. Same as that without a chain that's way too long and a few nicer bits. For my next trick I'm going to see if he's interested in taking a GoPro (that I obviously paid quite a lot less than that for, but has similar or greater value) as payment
  12. Wanted a nice commuter to get the few miles to work at daft hours, just won this on eBay For $355/£178 bargain! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Norco-Ryde-dirt-jumper-DH-bike-BMX-MTB-/171805679177?autorefresh=true&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=ZM7z%252FI4z0HBwHulZhz36Wd6luUg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc Pretty pleased with that
  13. Generally watch eBay like a hawk all day refreshing a search for just "gopro" and keep your eyes peeled for things described wrong, or just people who don't know what they're worth. Easiest one is people selling black models as silvers because they're all silver in colour. I was doing the same in the UK too but they're even cheaper over here (means the selling price is less too though, hence trying to sell them on to the UK at competitive rates). Then when you get people all like "I'll just buy one from somewhere else for less" and get all mardy, you can sit smugly knowing that they won't because any genuine bargains are headed straight to your door
  14. Australian Gumtree primarily but some go on UK eBay and forums too, being posted from Australia puts most people off though, despite the postage being free and the price of the camera packages being pretty competitive! I wouldn't buy an SJ, purely because I'm a massive brand snob
  15. Not particularly angry but mildly annoying - I'm buying/selling GoPros to make a little extra cash, the first couple went smooth as you like, the ones I have at the minute are just retard magnets, wanting to swap old mobiles and games consoles worth a quarter of the cameras and then getting mardy about it when I say no. They start texting me at about 6:30am about this too Mongs.
  16. That BBS turned out horribly!
  17. Jolfa

    Neck pain?

    That's interesting, my neck/back kills me in a very short time leaning over an engine now I'm an old man where it never really used to, hadn't really made the connection between that and my neck spazzing out like it does.
  18. Now go and win some Audi calipers and sell those on
  19. Jolfa

    Neck pain?

    I get something similar having jarred something carrying barrels, happens pretty frequently now, lasts for a few days. I get my missus to really dig her thumbs into my neck, helps a lot.
  20. Some damn expensive second hand discs, you already have the calipers and the pads are turd
  21. Yip, should be, if you're making enquiries though don't ask if they're twin pot, ask if they have a 54 or a 60 cast into them because you need a specific part, and don't specify which, and ask for a price before you find any of that out. Also http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AUDI-90-s2-2-2-2-3-5-cyl-sedan-coupe-20v-quattro-breaking-for-parts-spares-/281688879603?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4195f731f3 though he seems to be breaking a few cars there... and http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1995-AUDI-80-2-0-8v-SPORT-SE-4-DOOR-SALOON-GREEN-WHEEL-NUT-WHOLE-CAR-BREAKING-/251636947655?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3a96bb1ac7 As a good rule of thumb, if it has the 3 gauges in the centre console it should have S2 brakes... But check before you buy anything, there are exceptions In case you weren't aware, you will need to buy discs separate aswell, Audi's are 4x108.
  22. They're no bigger than G60 brakes, just longer! G60 brakes are Girling 54's, S2's are Girling 60's Look for someone breaking an 80/90 quattro, you just want the calipers and carriers, expect to pay about £50 from someone who doesn't know what they are, or £200+ from someone who does Also, if you really wanna do it on the cheap, just buy 280 carriers (early MK3 8v is your best bet) and some discs and use your existing calipers, the only difference between the 16v and G60 calipers is how wide they are so to use 280 discs with them just means you have to skim a bit of material off any new brake pads you get.
  23. What do you have at the minute?! I'd expect 280's as a bare minimum on something with that much power Also, if you are going 280, don't bother with G60/Corrado/MK3 calipers, get S2 (or sport model 80's and all 90q) calipers, fit on 16v hubs, and with 280 discs but are twin pot. Although they are massively heavy, but they're shit hot and are usually half the price of VW based calipers
  24. They're such a nice bunch to talk to on the phone but they've never been able to get anywhere near my best quotes, and I do try them nearly every year... Greenlight, classicline or Flux are always considerably cheaper.
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