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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Related but going off the car thread theme, I once went through several weeks of arguments with HMRC about documents I should have submitted but never received, which in essence meant I was the only one man partnership in the UK, which the woman at the tax office failed to sort despite confirming she had (for the third time), which lead to a £1000 fine, which lead to £50 in compensation for causing me stress! Useless bastards! It was a nightmare getting mine and my Mrs' tax affairs straight before leaving the country too. But of course people claiming benefits is the problem with the UK's money problems* *See political thread Edit - remembered the time we had to provide HMRC with a partnership number which we couldn't get without an individual tax number, which we couldn't get without a partnership number, which....
  2. I swear my heart hasn't been right for years, but no amount of ECGs (including 24h ones) ever seem anything to worry about, even when they show frequent irregularities and reported chest pains...
  3. Is that from DJing/loud music in general for years?
  4. Jesus, you have my sympathy!
  5. That sounds f**king horrible
  6. Good! I hope they make a regular thing of it! f**king mongs!
  7. I'm not sure correcting it to spongestani would be the way forward to be honest.
  8. Strictly speaking, it's "up country" if you're from there On the matter of driving in London, headed from the North, you get to Junction 5 ish M1 when suddenly there's 6 lanes and no f**ker has any idea how to use a motorway anymore, drives me mental! Do Southerners just learn traffic light colours and leave it at that?
  9. Because most are talking about London and the South East, which is a shithole
  10. Ah that'll be why, most places like that won't touch a caged car. See if anyone will quote without?
  11. If the car is old enough then Green Light, Classicline or whatever classic insurers come up on Google. Otherwise Confused often turn up a decent price now I'm old
  12. Never liked Chris Evans, he's done my head in since The Big Breakfast days, before I was even old enough to be old and cynical
  13. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/361109343884 (would be better if it were just the logo not the whole can) As kind of a parody of all the Monster graphics on every chav racecar you see these days
  14. Having an employable day today, picked up another job and missed a call to arrange another interview on my way, everyone wants me
  15. Jolfa


    It wasn't the accuracy of the dinosaurs that annoyed me, it was the utterly piss poor story line with no character building and 101 things left unexplained...
  16. Jolfa


    4 different love/friendship stories with as the cherry on top, it was f**king dreadful! Full of holes and weak storylines, gtfo.
  17. Jolfa


    Just been to see Jurassic World, my goodness it is teeerrrrible!
  18. Shame it's in Loughborough...
  19. I think it's going a bit Christine to be honest, make sure it doesn't start murdering people in the night...
  20. I've been largely nocturnal for years, and it started when I used to smoke a lot, got kind of a love hate relationship with it, but working in hospitality lends itself to a backwards sleep routine. Easy enough to sort out though, just make sure you're actually tired at the right times by not letting yourself sleep in the day and don't allow anything entertaining/interactive at night. If you want to go to sleep earlier, wake up earlier and stay awake, easy. Eating at the times normal people eat helps too.
  21. They're just being kind, it was a horrible beard.
  22. I emailed the seller saying it was a shame etc and he messaged me back an essay telling me what an asshole I am for ruining the car and keeping all the valuable bits (I have no idea what bits these might be?) which is funny given that the list of bits he's keeping has a value around double the amount he paid for the car, and is then breaking the car on top of that... Seems to think that the engine loom was a mish mash of electrical tape and he had to rebuild the engine, took him 6 months to get it running! (It was running but down on power, the engine was fine and the loom was removed whole from the donor and fitted professionally...) Nice guy!
  23. Sad to see my old 90q up for breaking http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Audi-coupe-quattro-80-90-braking-for-spares-/181765275292?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a520dfe9c I'd have that back in a heartbeat if I was there!
  24. Here is a car that has probably never had an MOT (equivalent) since 1991 And here is a bonus picture of me at a place
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