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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. Is that a technical term for fisting?
  2. Winky face does not express my tears of joy at your finally doing something noticeable to your car.
  3. It's just that I can see differences in your spot the difference photos, you're finally doing something other than wash the sodding thing, or swapping parts for parts that look identical to the old parts :')
  4. But you can pick up Super T's for sod all, why pay to fix a shagged set
  5. Ah, wasn't very well written, "they" is GoPro themselves, I bought the housing off eBay.
  6. I picked up a 2nd hand GoPro housing that didn't have the waterproof back door, after several emails and 3 incorrect parcels with the wrong part(s) they just sent me a whole new housing (worth £60) to go with the collection of 6 doors I had for it, nice guys!
  7. The standard Clio seats are f**king horrible aren't they! On the matter of buckets, I have these stashed away at home Spent months looking for a set of them, these came up, despite appearances they are actually brand new but a cat had been using them as a bed for some years
  8. Gotta have signatures on, I love to know exactly how many bikes, which models and a rough spec of all of them kids have had! Same goes for scene VW forums!
  9. You could just get a little bag really?
  10. The difference between factory Recaros and stock seats in my MK2 and Audi was night and day, definitely worthwhile, plus more modern factory bucket style things will be considerably better than 20 year old Recaros!
  11. I'm going to go with some kind of aerial booster, or speed camera detector or a light up tax disc holder.
  12. Has it finally fallen off? It was inevitable tbf.
  13. That's because it sounds exactly the same as 90's video games 45minute set there
  14. I hope you sent a copy and not the original!
  15. It was straight at least
  16. Jolfa

    Vapers Thread

    Tbf she did deliberately get the nicotine free liquids for it, she's a wise one is Mrs Rich
  17. Jolfa

    Vapers Thread

    Missus got me one for xmas, tasty and fun but made my throat rough as f**k every time, so I just stopped smoking. I guess it did what it was intended to do
  18. No need, it's not tested as part of the MOT whether it's there or not
  19. That's genius! I normally do it against a wall but it's entirely guess work
  20. A few bangers to be getting on with there
  21. You're actively seeking music with a shit electro keyboard bassline?! Try end credit music from 90s Mega Drive games, right up your street
  22. Fair enough, it's just the thought of driving a 1.0 Micra with a straight through exhaust on it makes my dick shrivel. Have you no shame?
  23. All I can see is the tyre fitted the wrong way. Probably why it's squeaking I reckon.
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