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Everything posted by Jolfa

  1. And let the "your mum" jokes commence!
  2. They're normally really helpful over the phone, I spent 20 minutes chatting to an American woman about how to sort it, she said I could take a form and my drivers licence (after labouring the point that my passport isn't something I carry around with me) to a post office and sort it on the spot, drivers licence not good enough, terrific. Useless bastards, Auspost are as bad. Auspost also apparently attempted a delivery for me at work today but the recipient wasn't known at that address (they never came, asked or attempted anything), so I'm going to have to go through the same bullshit to claim a parcel with no proof of address tomorrow.
  3. My Aussie PayPal balance went over $1000 yesterday so they've decided that they need verify my details. Emailed them my drivers licence and passport, not good enough, they need proof of address in the form of something official and Austrlian, which I obviously don't have... So I'm basically able to look at a 4 figure sum that they wont let me touch. Awesome. The worst part is, I only went over 1k because they took 5 days to refund a cancelled payment.
  4. What a prize twat, he's the epitome of what is wrong with UK (and most other countries it seems) drivers, I wish they'd enforce the fines for middle laners they drive me mental. Fair enough the lorry driver was wrong to do what he did, but the driver blatantly made no attempt to move into the clear lane despite the impending hazard. I hope he gets done for making a false whiplash claim the utter tool.
  5. It'll save you having to explain 7ish times is all I'm saying!
  6. Nip into a space next time, you'll attract less stick for parking like a mong ;)
  7. Generally the better tool will have proper sized and better cut threads which will do the job where a shit tool has f**ked it up, I've made this mistake at work with a shagged old crank puller before! If your chain's coming off every rotation, that would suggest a bent ring? Unbend said ring
  8. Buy a good crank puller?
  9. Anyone from the South West knows full well it's "up country".
  10. Only if you do it well...
  11. You know what's really funny, is when there's huge tension between girlfriend and family, really makes for a relaxing dinner. Imagine if there was a way to make that worse, hilarious!
  12. I've never even heard of this guy or the company he's referring to, all I'm reading is a lecture on how little he cares which is fairly ironic. How about not clogging up the happy thread with your shitty school boy arguments about who wants the least attention and f**king move on, because honestly nobody gives a flying f**k Or at least head to the angry thread In happy news my flurry of GoPro customers I've been waiting for has happened after a bit of a dry spell, gets a bit worrying when you've got $1000s tied up in tiny cameras!
  13. It's my birthdayyyyy, but I'm 30 :(
  14. The head tenant of the house share we live in told us last night that her sister wants her (our) room back, and as such we have to find somewhere new to live within 3 weeks, which is pretty toilet, especially because she could have told us this 2 weeks ago! Sounds like an excuse anyway, there's been a shitty air in the house for weeks, no idea why, I'm actually kinda relieved we're going.
  15. Customer wanted to buy a bike last thing this evening, the bike needed building, we didn't really have much time before we closed but got it built up for him. He brought us all a beer to say thanks for getting it sorted at such short notice. I really like my job :)
  16. At least it looks to be consistently shit there, 36 degrees and not a cloud in the sky, followed by 12 degrees and floods caused by tornado the next day is f**king with me a bit here!
  17. Jolfa

    Profile pic

    It's pretty self explanatory, mate...
  18. Not really angry, but following on from a messy party at my managers house/dodgy homebrew bar last night where my mate was a bit too loved up on MDMA and started coming onto me. Today at work the managers were off and left one of the other guys in charge, me and him were both still pissed as f**k when we opened the shop, one of the other staff just didn't show up which basically left the new kid as the only person capable of doing any actual work. On his lunch break, the lad in charge went back to the managers house to the party that was still going, came back about an hour later having had 2 beers, 2 sambucas and a line of ket, he announced this quite loudly as he was putting on some metal as loud as it would go in the shop. He then decided the rest of the afternoon would be better spent in a K hole, which he then slept off in the stock room on top of a stack of empty bike boxes. It was an interesting day.
  19. Girlfriend got her tax back after weeks and weeks of being f**ked around by the agent dealing with it. Today she spent the money on a new $650 phone. It is fake, I will be chasing the guy up, he wasn't home this evening, his car and his nice motorbike were though...
  20. Manager has decided as it's so quiet today, we can all have 2x 45 minute breaks, so on lunch #2 I'm sat with a cold beer in the sun on a rooftop and getting paid handsomely for it. Bliss.
  21. You'd film your daughter having sex?!
  22. I was the assistant manager at one of the bars I used to work at, they took on a new manager above me, 5 years my junior (irrelevant, but added to the annoyance), 6 months or so after I'd been given my role, based on his previous experience as manager of a phone shop, and being a snappy dresser. I had to carry that useless twat the entire time he was there, he didn't know his arse from his elbow.
  23. I think the problem with the perspective in that photo is that the tyre wall corner in the background is the opposite direction to the skid
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