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    Laura Palmer
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Trials Dude

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  1. LauraPalmer

    Hide and Seek

    I´m 37 years old now, and ditched trials around two years ago for flyfishing. Came across this vid by accident and like every vid from you I watched til the end and it gets me excited. Luckily I still remember my password for this forum to post. You are without a doubt the best, most innovative and most exciting trials rider of the post-no-seat era. In 20 years+ when riding is even more versatile, crazy etc there will be people posting your vids, like nowadays every now and then a Holroyd or old Akrigg vid turns up, and they will strike people with awe...
  2. FLIPPIMAN!!! Words can´t describe how good you are. You are completly in your own league at what you are doing. In a more and more conformistic sport it´s so nice to see a freak like you - underground SteveMcQueen on steroids you are...
  3. 20" rear rim looks and works obviously great... the most exciting thing trials has to offer at the moment: I hope for us - the audience - it takes him a while before he realizes that himself and starts calming down...
  4. your best vid/riding by a countrymile!
  5. absolutley not - sorry for being misunderstanding!! Dmitry owes me a frame. I´m trying to solve my thing with Josh with him personally - this thread´s intention was to get into contact with him again - however what I´ve heard so far is not exactly to my liking...
  6. He will no longer do custom trials-frames; 3 last frames will be made - I get one of them... Maybe he will do a TRA promodel for the public - but I´m not too sure about that...
  7. Has something to do with a frame he made for me - for now I´d rather keep this between him and me...
  8. yes - that´s facebook profile I was writing to
  9. Hey! Joash and I have some unfinished buisness and I can neither reach him by mail (jaf-bikes@hotmail) nor facebook - anyone knows what´s he up to or how to reach him? Any help would be appriciated!
  10. Stefan gave me this material to put it together, tripod video - however, his riding is so precise and smooth! Sad thing: He was meant to visit Benito/Abel for a month tomorrow, but hurt himself yesterday - I hope this cheers him up a bit! Enjoy!
  11. I guess every thread has to turn into a Marino vs JAF vs Inspired thread nowadays - anyway thanks for the input... I see, would have preferred, if it was rather based on hard facts (which is difficult anyway, only really possible with a machine testing it or as the second best solution with the same rider over the same time period with the same amount and level of riding...); I was just surprised, as the Australian test riders (Nate Dog...) who broke the older TTs quite fast (three months), had them TNN going strong for a year... Anyway, looks like the new TTs are going to be it for me, mainly because of the disc-mount - hope I can get used to the flex, as that´s usually not my thing... Does anyone have a comparison flex-wise between the Rockman Spades (that´s what I´m running at them moment, and I´m not very happy with them stiffness wise coming from my beloved steel steerer TryAlls) and the new TTs? And do you or anyone else from the Tarty crew know the rake of the newer Spade forks? it says 30mm but I did the WB with normal bars + WB with reversed bars /2 method and it was more like 25mm - but that´s not the most accurat way to measure that I guess...
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