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Everything posted by SuperDeathMonkey

  1. http://www.wastelandski.com/ do a lot of university trips for a decent price, been with them before, good stuff
  2. given that your name is bearded midget i'd assume most people were taller than you
  3. read the youtube description it says it's in las vegas it never says it's actually in Paris.
  4. I think what most people are failing to grasp is that the 15pin VGA output on their laptop is purely a video ouput, therefore regardless of the leads they buy it will not output sound. To get the sound on your TV you'll need to get a 3.5mm headphone jack connected to your laptop to either another 3.5mm heaphone jack or red and white phono connectors on your TV.
  5. I wish I could be a little bit taller
  6. I wouldn't worry about it, graphics card usually run pretty hot, however I would try and get some load temps so see how hot everythings getting The fan it isn't showing could be connected directly to the power supply and not the motherboard so it's speed cannot be monitored
  7. I remember this one time at high school during a break. A Cocacola van drove into the car park (which was also sort of part of the playground). The coke guy got out and slid up the walls of the back of the van (hard to explain). He then started unloading crates of cans for the vending machines. He walked of with a trolley of crates. So me and my group of mates, bout 12 of us all ran up to the van and grabbed a crate each, except for one of my mates who was f**kin massive for his age who grabbed 3. We then ran straight out of the exit of school and went to my house. Got in quite a lot of trouble next day at school but it was funny. Also there was a phase when everyone started making darts out of drawing pins and paper. We decided to take it one step further and got a 6inch nail and an A3 piece of paper and started throwing it at walls in our drama studio. one of my mates threw it and took a massive chunk out of the wall and then we all started seeing who could get the biggest chunk out. Can't believe we didn't think we'd get in trouble. School was fun could get away with anything.
  8. If my hub ever turns up I'll be there. Will drag Joe elding along with me too
  9. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  10. Who's the grunger come on own up
  11. yeeeeeah cheers i kept typing in eightynineplusone and didn't think of actually answering it. sooo happy now thankyou
  12. need help with 3 looked at the tips in earlier pages but sooooo infuriated.
  13. oh my god you killed that conversation
  14. Does no one have Guitar Hero World Tour!! I need more people for my band PS3 Names Irrn
  15. Guitar hero world tour comes out on the 14th. I also pre ordered it and the money was taken out on Wednesday. But guitar hero won't be dispatched untill Friday.
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